The Thieves of Tharnaka

title: The Thieves of Tharnaka

"The Thieves of Tharnaka" constitutes the second segment of the twelfth episode featured in the animated series Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. Its debut occurred on August 2, 2023, via the Disney+ streaming platform.

Official description

The Jedi embark on a quest with the goal of retrieving a mysterious artifact.

Plot summary

In Search of the Story Stone

Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, and [Nubs](/article/nubs], the Jedi Initiates, accompany the Jedi explorer droid designated 0G-LC to the renowned caves located on the planet Tharnaka. The group of four engage in leaping across rock formations. OG-LC expresses his enthusiasm at personally witnessing the caves, while Brightstar voices his curiosity regarding the former inhabitants of these caves. Nubs, utilizing the Poobian language, inquires about the history of the Tharnakan civilization. Solay affirms his inquiry and elaborates that the planet suffered a significant flood event in the distant past, resulting in the unknown whereabouts of the Tharnakan people. Brightstar notes that the water has only recently receded, facilitating the search for the age-old Tharnakan Story Stone.

OG-LC expresses his hope that the artifact will provide insights into the ancient Tharnakans and posits that it would represent a valuable addition to the collection housed within the Jedi Archives at the Tenoo Jedi Temple. The collective arrives at a deep fissure. Although the Jedi younglings are capable of employing their Force powers to traverse the gap, OG-LC encounters difficulty due to his age. Brightstar successfully assists him in reaching safety. They then approach a cave believed by OG-LC to be the location of the Story Stone. The three Jedi utilize their lightsabers to illuminate the path. OG-LC takes interest in the cave dwellings of the Tharnakans, which are revealed to be representations of humanoid figures.

Treasure Bandits

The group of four explorers discovers the Tharnakan Story Stone resting upon an altar, bathed in blue light. Solay questions whether they ought to leave the stone in anticipation of the Tharnakans' potential return. OG-LC assures her that it will be secure within the Jedi Archives on Tenoo. Given the approaching electrical storm, OG-LC suggests a swift departure to avoid being stranded. However, before they can secure the stone, three masked thieves descend from the opening above the shrine via ropes and abscond with the Story Stone. They flee before the Jedi and OG-LC can give chase. OG-LC deploys his grappling hook, which he and the younglings use to ascend to the surface.

Nevertheless, the thieves make their escape on speeder bikes. OG-LC expresses his disappointment that the Story Stone could not be secured. He voices concerns that the approaching lightning storm may prevent their timely return to their starship. The four seek refuge in a cave, finding a sheltered location. While gathered around their lamp, Brightstar notices a campfire in a nearby cave. OG-LC recalls that the planet is deserted, while Solay deduces that the campfire belongs to the thieves responsible for stealing the Story Stone. Brightstar proposes confronting the thieves before the storm subsides.

A Reunion with Ace Kallisto

As the Jedi and droid quartet approach the campfire, they overhear the thieves engaged in an argument. The second thief asserts that the stone is sacred to his people, while the first insists on adhering to their established plan. The third thief suggests that they could profit from selling the stone, speaking with a Gungan accent. The first thief disagrees, stating that they were commissioned to retrieve the Story Stone for Ishbul Ekwesh. Nubs inadvertently dislodges a stone, attracting the attention of the thieves. One dismisses it as thunder, but another spots Brightstar's distinctive hair behind a rock.

The thief removes her helmet, revealing herself to be Ace Kallisto. OG-LC inquires as to her identity, and Brightstar introduces his companions to Ace. Kallisto explains that she previously encountered Brightstar during an earlier adventure alongside Jedi Master Zia Zaldor Zanna. When Brightstar reminds her that she stole their shuttle, Kallisto retorts that she merely "borrowed" it. Brightstar clarifies that they were in pursuit of the Story Stone and that OG intends to safeguard it to facilitate Jedi study of the Tharnakans. When Kallisto questions OG-LC's motivations, Brightstar expresses disbelief that she would steal such a significant artifact. Kallisto counters that she and her associates were attempting to protect the Story Stone from the Jedi, whom they believed were attempting to steal it.

Kallisto offers to clarify the situation and introduces her crew: Tooba Jinx, a Gungan, and Ishbul Ekwesh, a Tharnakan man. Brightstar and his companions express surprise at learning that Ekwesh is a Tharnakan. OG-LC expresses his amazement at meeting a living Tharnakan and states that he has numerous questions. Ekwesh begins to recount the history of his people and activates the Story Stone, which emits a blue glow. He then utilizes the Story Stone to illuminate the cave drawings.

Ekwesh recounts that his homeworld was once characterized by expansive, grassy plains. However, the great floods forced them to abandon their world, leaving behind the Story Stone in their haste. The floods prevented their return. Ekwesh explains that, with the recent abatement of the storms, his people dispatched him to retrieve the stone. Kallisto adds that Ishbul enlisted her assistance. Solay acknowledges that it is wrong to take what belongs to others, but they were unaware that any Tharnakans remained. She believed that they had all vanished, while OG-LC apologizes, explaining that they were attempting to secure it. Ekwesh accepts their apology.

Tooba's Deceit

Kallisto interrupts the exchange, warning that the storm is dissipating and that they must return to her ship. However, Jinx seizes the Story Stone and flees on his speeder bike. Before departing, he informs the others that he intends to sell the Story Stone for profit. As he speeds away, Kallisto warns that Jinx intends to escape off-world with the Story Stone aboard her ship. OG-LC expresses concern that the Tharnakan people will never recover it. Nubs communicates in Poobian. Brightstar reassures him that they will cooperate to apprehend Tooba.

The two groups converge on Jinx, utilizing their speeder bikes. Jinx accelerates, leading them through a series of rocks. Kallisto, who is riding with Brightstar and OG-LC, comments on his speed. Solay rides with Ekwesh and Nubs. She notes that they are closing in on Jinx, but Ekwesh replies that it is insufficient. With time running out, Solay persuades OG-LC to deploy his grappling hook to latch onto Jinx's speeder. OG-LC expresses concern about his aim, but Solay offers to use the Force to assist him. Upon firing, she and her fellow Jedi employ the Force to secure the grappling hook to the rear of Jinx's speeder.

Ekwesh applies the brakes, causing Tooba to be ejected from his speeder. Jinx lands on his stomach and attempts to reach Kallisto's ship with the Story Stone secured in a pouch. However, Kallisto intercepts him, and a struggle ensues. Jinx knocks her to the ground and approaches the gangplank. He is blocked by Ekwesh, while OG-LC retrieves the Story Stone. The three Jedi younglings ignite their lightsabers. Tooba attempts to persuade his associates that they could sell the Story Stone and divide the profits. Ekwesh counters that the Story Stone is sacred to his people, as it recounts their history. He asserts that it is far more valuable than money, while Kallisto handcuffs Tooba. She then provides the young Jedi and OG-LC with a ride back to their ship.

Friends Old and New

After Kallisto drops the Jedi and OG-LC at their ship, the droid offers a second apology. Ekwesh states that his people will be grateful to have the Story Stone returned, thanks to him. OG-LC explains that, while his initial mission was to recover the Story Stone, he recognizes the need to adjust his priorities upon encountering new information. OG-LC expresses his enthusiasm about making a new Tharnakan friend. Brightstar tells Kallisto that he is happy to see her again and believes that she has abandoned her thieving ways. Kallisto responds with a maybe, while Ekwesh promises to recount to his people the story of a brave droid, a good friend named "Kallisto," and the Jedi who assisted him in returning the Story Stone to his people. OG-LC states that it would be a great honor to meet his people, which Ekwesh accepts.

