The initial segment of the thirteenth episode of Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures is entitled "Tree Troubles". This episode became available for viewing on Disney+ on August 2nd, 2023.
The episode commences with Nubs in an attempt to find inner peace through meditation at the base of a massive Tenoo tree. He detects vibrations from below and quickly leaves. In another location, Kai Brightstar and Lys Solay are assisting Nash Durango and RJ-83 with the unloading of containers. Durango inquires about the whereabouts of Nubs, and Solay responds that the Pooba is in a meditative state near his cherished tree. Nubs then arrives, communicating in Poobian and informing them that something is amiss with his favorite tree. Solay provides a translation for Nubs' words.
Nubs guides his companions to the Tenoo tree. Initially, the tree appears to be in good condition, but the group soon experiences tremors in the ground. The younglings also observe the tree's leaves falling and making cracking sounds. Nubs conveys to his friends that water typically flows from beneath the tree. Brightstar deduces that the tree is perishing due to the absence of water nourishing its roots. Solay concurs, and Durango suggests that the desiccation of the tunnels beneath the tree might be the reason for the shaking.
While investigating the roots below the tree, the younglings discover that its sap has solidified. Durango clarifies that the Tenoo tree's sap is normally a sweet treat. Nubs points out that the walls are damp, and Solay infers that the tree's water must have once flowed through this area. They perceive further movement, and Brightstar posits that the noise is connected to the tree's declining health. He takes the lead, guiding them toward the source of the sound.
The younglings soon come across Raxlo's harvester which is in the process of drilling through a substantial wall of sap. Raxlo is enjoying some caf as the machine drills. Durango remembers their previous encounter with Raxlo on Federian where he was cutting down forests. Brightstar and his companions approach and confront Raxlo, who instructs RC-99 to cease drilling. When the children inquire about his activities, Raxlo explains that he is gathering hardened sap, which he claims is both delicious and profitable. He samples a piece to illustrate his point.
Durango agrees that it tastes good. Suddenly, a fissure appears in the sap wall. Nubs and Brightstar inform Raxlo that the drilling is harming the Tenoo tree and causing the ground to vibrate. Raxlo refutes the existence of any issue, asserting that his harvester is designed to withstand anything. He states that his sole focus is on collecting as much sap as possible. At that moment, several rocks tumble down, compelling everyone to seek cover. Solay realizes that the tunnel leading back to the surface has been obstructed by rocks.
Brightstar suggests that they must locate an alternative exit, but Raxlo remains resolute in completing the harvest. He commands RC-99 to resume drilling. Brightstar objects, but Raxlo advises him to find a way out while he continues his work. Raxlo's indifference provokes Brightstar, but he resolves to find a way out with his friends. Durango discovers an exit at the top, but it is too high to reach. Nubs and Solay propose meditating in the Force and using their natural surroundings to find a way out. Solay invites Durango to join them.
Durango points out that she is not a Jedi, but Solay assures her that the Force unites all living beings. As they enter a meditative state, they focus on their breath, concentrate, and listen to the sounds of nature. The four younglings sense water gurgling beneath a nearby boulder. As they struggle to move the boulder, Raxlo intervenes, explaining that the chamber was once filled with water and that he had to seal it off to facilitate drilling. Nubs becomes enraged and reprimands Raxlo in Poobian. Brightstar explains that by blocking the water, Raxlo has disrupted the natural order.
Raxlo is confused. Solay clarifies that the water, tunnel, and tree are interconnected, adding that removing one element would disrupt the balance. Durango emphasizes that the tree requires water to flourish. Raxlo responds that if the chamber fills with water, he will be unable to extract any more sap. Just then, more rocks fall from the roots above. The younglings manage to avoid injury, but Raxlo's cloak becomes trapped beneath a rock. Brightstar manages to free him and saves Raxlo from being crushed by a second rock. Raxlo expresses his gratitude to the Jedi Initiate for saving him. Brightstar responds that a Jedi is obligated to help everyone. Solay explains that they will need to unplug the boulder in order to restore balance and health to the tree.
Recognizing the error of his actions, Raxlo orders RC-99 to stop drilling. Joining forces with the children, Raxlo assists them in moving the boulder, releasing a torrent of water that floods the chamber. Raxlo and the younglings seek refuge aboard the harvester. While Raxlo, Solay, and Durango manage to board the harvester, Brightstar becomes separated and left behind. He ascends one of the roots and leaps into the chamber. Brightstar uses his Force abilities to land safely on the harvester's gangplank. Inside the command center, Raxlo informs RC-99 of his revised plans.
Raxlo starts the harvester's engines and drives it up to the opening in the chamber. Although they reach the top, the harvester is too large to fit through the opening. Brightstar urges Raxlo to detach the harvester's cargo container. Raxlo objects, expressing his reluctance to part with the sap he has collected, stating that it is worth a considerable amount of credits. Solay counters that he cannot spend credits underwater. As the viewport begins to crack, Raxlo reluctantly detaches the cargo container, enabling the harvester to navigate through the opening.
Raxlo's harvester emerges on the bank of a nearby river. After coming ashore, Nubs and Solay are delighted to see that the water has returned and that the Tenoo tree is once again thriving. While Raxlo is saddened, Nubs and Brightstar thank the businessman for making the right decision, even though it was difficult. Raxlo tells them not to mention it because it makes him sad. Brightstar says that he hopes to see him around and advises Raxlo to avoid digging anything up further today. After the younglings depart, Raxlo chews on some Tenoo tree sap and says at least it was not a total loss. He flies away in his harvester.
Upon returning to Nubs' preferred meditation spot, Brightstar concludes that the balance has been restored, as the water is flowing and the ground is no longer shaking. Nubs invites his friends to meditate beneath the Tenoo tree as the sun sets. Durango remarks on the beauty of the scene and expresses her understanding of why Nubs enjoys spending time there.