Off the Rails (episode)

"Off the Rails" marks the initial segment of the twelfth episode within the Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures animated series. Its debut occurred on Disney+ on August 2nd, 2023.

Official description

Taborr's train robbery must be thwarted by Kai and the Jedi.

Plot summary

The train heist

The episode commences with Lys Solay, Nubs, and Kai Brightstar employing their Force powers to hoist logs from a Tenoo tree onto a sizable hovertrain. Solay, noticing Brightstar's surprise at their weight, clarifies that Tenoo tree roots possess robust construction properties. Brightstar conveys his joy in aiding individuals to construct homes and experiencing a train journey to reach their destination. Following the train's signal, the three Jedi Initiates embark. During their travels, they observe Tenoo's native plant and animal life, including winged birds.

The three younglings detect activity on the roof and exit the carriage to investigate the disturbance. They discover that Taborr Val Dorn, along with his companions Pord and EB-3, have boarded the train's automated front section. Val Dorn declares his intention to reclaim the logs for Yarrum to impress his fellow pirates. Nubs and Solay express their disapproval. Val Dorn assigns EB-3 the task of commandeering the automated train while he and Pord confront the Jedi. Pord launches an attack on Solay and Nubs using her vibro-ax, while Val Dorn engages Brightstar in combat with his electrostaff.

Val Dorn overpowers Brightstar, causing him to fall. Brightstar retreats into the passenger car and engages Val Dorn in a lightsaber duel. As Solay and Nubs defend against Pord, EB-3 manipulates the automated controls. Brightstar successfully disarms Val Dorn of his electrostaff, but the pirate retaliates by ejecting Brightstar's lightsaber from his grasp using a stinger on his vambrace.

The battle continues outside the car. Brightstar manages to inflict damage on Val Dorn's vambrace. Val Dorn attempts to strike Brightstar's head with his electrostaff but instead hits the coupling, disconnecting the driver carriage from the rest of the train. Brightstar and Val Dorn find themselves stranded on the second carriage, while Solay, Pord, and Nubs are confined to the driver carriage. Pord attempts to reach Val Dorn, while Solay and Nubs attempt to reach Brightstar, but the driver carriage accelerates forward.


Left behind, Val Dorn places the blame on Brightstar, but the young Jedi retorts that Val Dorn was attempting to steal the train. Val Dorn clarifies that his intention was to steal the logs and attempts to contact EB-3 and Pord. However, Val Dorn's comm is damaged, which he attributes to Brightstar's lightsaber. Confronted with a precarious situation, Brightstar decides to meditate in the Force. Val Dorn responds with derision, lamenting that pirates have to earn respect, while Jedi automatically receive it.

Brightstar argues that stealing is not a means to gain respect. Val Dorn inquires whether Brightstar ever tires of adhering to rules and suggests that being a pirate liberates one from such constraints. He asserts that he acts according to his desires. While Brightstar meditates, he senses the wind and discovers a floor panel with two rectangular buttons, one red and one blue. Brightstar deduces that these buttons control a lever, which could be used to maneuver the train carriage. Brightstar seeks Val Dorn's assistance, and the pirate reluctantly complies. When Val Dorn expresses his hope to expedite the logs' delivery to his gang, Brightstar counters that the logs are destined for those in need. Despite their differences, the boys agree to cooperate to move the train.

Meanwhile, EB-3 is unable to establish contact with Val Dorn but resolves to return and rescue his leader. Solay objects, warning that tampering with the automated computer could result in a train crash. When Nubs inquires about Brightstar, Solay assures him that Kai will find a way to rejoin them. EB-3 is determined to access the console, but Solay and Nubs obstruct their path. EB-3 and Pord brandish a vibro-lance and vibro-ax, respectively. In response, Solay and Nubs ignite their lightsabers.

Working together

Back on the second car, Val Dorn complains about the strenuous nature of operating the control lever. Brightstar attributes the situation to Val Dorn's selfishness. When Brightstar reveals that the logs are intended for building people's homes, Val Dorn expresses surprise and accuses Brightstar of unfairly labeling him as selfish without knowing him. Brightstar counters that Val Dorn, as a pirate, takes what does not belong to him, which is inherently selfish. Val Dorn responds that the Jedi do not possess all the answers and suggests finding a way to energize the train carriage to increase its speed.

Val Dorn points to a nearby power station. Val Dorn leaps out of the carriage, startling Brightstar. He lands safely on a bridge leading to the station. Val Dorn taunts Brightstar but loses his footing and nearly falls over the edge. Brightstar uses his Force powers to levitate Val Dorn to safety. Val Dorn begrudgingly thanks Brightstar and begins energizing the railway car. However, the sudden surge of energy causes the car to shake violently, endangering the logs. Val Dorn uses his grappling cable to secure most of the logs. However, one of the logs falls off, and Brightstar is unable to retrieve it alone using his Force powers.

Val Dorn believes they can afford to lose one log, but Brightstar is determined to deliver every log to the villagers. Brightstar's words resonate with Val Dorn, who uses his grappling cable to rappel down the train track bridge. As Brightstar rappels down with Val Dorn, he is compelled to reconsider his preconceptions about the young pirate. Val Dorn maintains that he is only concerned with his own interests. When Brightstar urges him to reconsider his life choices, Val Dorn replies that it is not that simple and that he has ambitious plans for himself. Brightstar confides that his ambition is to become a Jedi Knight.

Val Dorn suggests that he may also aspire to achieve something significant. Brightstar suggests that Val Dorn has the potential for good despite his poor life choices, asserting that he is the only obstacle in his own path. The two boys collaborate to retrieve and secure the log. Brightstar expresses his gratitude to Val Dorn for his assistance. Val Dorn cautions that they are not out of danger yet, as they need to travel twice as fast to catch up with the others. Val Dorn adjusts the receiver coupling and instructs Brightstar to press the button when the meter turns green. Val Dorn's plan succeeds, and the two board the rejuvenated train car and resume their journey.

As they approach the rest of the train, Solay and Nubs defend against EB-3 and Pord. The passengers on both trains realize that Kai and Taborr's train is approaching too quickly. On the first train, EB-3 suggests that the four of them cooperate to decelerate the approaching train. Solay agrees and proposes that she and Nubs use the Force to slow down the second train while EB-3 and Pord use their strength to connect it. Implementing their plan, Solay and Nubs use the Force to slow down the second train, ensuring that Pord and EB-3 do not drop their couplings.

Taborr's choices

The two groups celebrate their success. However, Val Dorn and his gang promptly betray the Jedi. Val Dorn attacks Brightstar with his electrostaff, while EB-3 and Pord lock Solay and Nubs inside the front carriage. While holding his electrostaff over Brightstar's head, Val Dorn expresses his gratitude for his "help" in acquiring the logs. Brightstar urges Val Dorn to choose good, sensing his underlying desire to do so. A conflicted Val Dorn replies that he wants to do what he wants but experiences a sudden change of heart. Concluding that the logs are more trouble than they are worth, he spares Brightstar and instructs his associates to leave. After releasing Solay and Nubs, the three pirates depart on their repulsorcraft.

The three younglings eventually deliver the logs to a village, where the villagers begin using them for construction. Brightstar discusses his recent encounter with Taborr with his Jedi friends. First, Val Dorn assisted him in retrieving the logs, and then he decided not to take them. He notes that this is uncharacteristic of Val Dorn. Nubs and Solay contemplate whether there is more to Taborr than they initially thought. Brightstar agrees before gazing at the train carriages. He and his friends then proceed to assist the villagers. They approach Jedi Master Zia Zaldor Zanna, who waves to them.

