"Bad Eggs" represents the second segment of the eleventh episode within the animated series Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. Its debut occurred on Disney+ on August 2, 2023.
At Hap's Sap Tap, Hap took delivery of some goods from Muxa, whom he considers to be the best provider located in the Outer Rim Territories. Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, and Nubs are amazed by a container filled with jogan fruits. Hap informs the younglings that his acquaintance, Geeli, is scheduled to visit, and he acquired the ingredients to prepare Geeli's preferred stew. Hap confesses he has never prepared this stew before. Feeling somewhat anxious, Hap suggests that the Jedi Initiates remain and offer their assistance. The younglings express their enthusiasm to help.
Hap then welcomes the younglings into the Sap Tap kitchen, a space they have not previously entered. Brightstar comments on its exceptional cleanliness and orderliness. Nubs inadvertently causes some tins of ingredients and a green fruit to fall, but Hap is understanding. As Hap starts preparing the stew, Nubs notices a yellow jar with a blue lid about to fall. Nubs spots something darting out of the jar and disappearing into the kitchen.
He draws Brightstar's attention to this, but Brightstar sees nothing amiss. Hap requests Brightstar to pass him a blue fruit. He also discovers a tray of blue eggs and notices that one has already hatched. The group discovers that several cylindrical containers have been opened, leading Solay to conclude that a creature is roaming freely. Hap becomes alarmed and insists that they must remove the creature from the kitchen before Geeli's arrival. After inspecting a container of sap, Nub and his companions determine that the creature is fond of sap. Brightstar suggests using sap as a lure. Hap approves of the plan but urges them to act swiftly, as he requires the kitchen to be operational.
They strategically place a bowl of purple sap on the floor and conceal themselves. Nubs takes a hiding spot on a high shelf, armed with a colander to capture the creature, which is revealed to be a Tikotiko. The critter is drawn to the bait, and Nubs successfully traps it within the colander. Upon examining the tikotiko, Solay notes that it belongs to a species unfamiliar to her creature guide. Recognizing that the animal is newly hatched, she understands it is hungry and gently strokes it. Hap is reluctant to share his food, but Brightstar argues that the Jedi assist all beings, including bothersome creatures.
Hap's focus remains on Geeli's stew, and he inadvertently releases the tikotiko. Solay promptly recaptures the critter. Hap expresses a desire to contact Muxa to remove the box of eggs, but they discover that all the remaining eggs have hatched. They find that the other critters have ventured into the customer area, causing distress among the patrons. Solay and a local boy find the tikotiko to be endearing, but Hap is frustrated that he cannot concentrate on preparing his stew. Brightstar assures him that he and his friends will manage the critters. Hap consents but instructs them to be "quick and clean."
During the pursuit of a tikotiko, Nubs accidentally splashes soup on a Kyuzo customer. Brightstar and Solay pursue another rodent, but it escapes up a tree branch and falls into Chigg's soup. Hap apologizes to the customer and offers more soup, but the customer declines. Several dissatisfied customers depart, vowing not to return. Hap is dismayed that the tikotiko have driven away his customers. Solay and Brightstar attempt to explain that the rodents are hungry, but Hap worries that the creatures will deplete his food supplies.
The tikotiko make their way to the marketplace, drawn by the aroma of food. Solay assures Hap that they will handle the critters while he cooks the stew. Brightstar corners a tikotiko inside a stall, but the creature escapes. Another critter raids a kebab stall. Nubs manages to catch a creature, but it slips from his grasp. Another tikotiko chews on a metal figurine. Solay tries to prevent the critter from nibbling on jewelry. Brightstar expresses concern that the critters will not stop until they are satiated and complains about the difficulty of catching them. Hap is concerned that he won’t be able to cook Geeli's stew since the tikotiko ate most of the ingredients.
Haps encounters the lead tikotiko who started the trouble. He is initially grumpy with the creature but takes pity on the tikotiko and serves it stew. The other critters are drawn by the smell of the stew back to Hap's kitchen. Brightstar, Solay and Nubs follow but are relieved to see that Hap has found a way to befriend the tikotiko. Hap regrets he was unable to cook Geeli's special stew but Nubs and Brightstar remark that he has cooked something special with the stew he made for the critters. While Hap is despondent, Solay encourages him to make the best of what he has made.
Hap agrees and enlists the children's help. He gets Solay to hand him a Barkhesh beet, Brightstar to stir the [Pappelroot powder](/article/pappelroot_powder], and assigns a willing Nubs with clean-up duty. The younglings help Hap prepare the stew while minding the tikotiko. Hap gives Nubs a sample of the stew to taste. Later, he feeds both the critters and the three younglings. Solay observes that the creatures are sleepy now that they have finished eating. She thinks that will given Muxa enough time to pick them up. Hap admits that the tikotiko look cute when they are not destroying his Sap Tap while Brightstar says they really loved his new recipe.
Hap hopes that Geeli likes his recipe. Shortly late, Geeli arrives, seeking Hap's Sap Tap. Hap is apologetic that his attempt to make stew failed but Geeli says he has just come to see his friend. Geeli takes an interest in his new stew and Hap invites everyone to eat. The Jedi younglings introduce themselves to the newcomer.