"The Show Must Go On" represents the second segment within the eighth episode of the Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures animated series. Its debut occurred on August 2, 2023, via the Disney+ streaming platform.
Nash Durango has orchestrated a distinctive musical performance at the Jedi Temple located on Tenoo, designed as a gesture of appreciation from Kublop Springs to the Jedi for their collective efforts. Alongside Nash is her dependable droid companion, RJ-83, while other inhabitants arrange booths. In addition to coordinating food vendors, Durango has secured the Ku-Bops as the evening's entertainment. Concurrently, Nubs and Kai Brightstar are struggling to raise a stage curtain. For their subsequent attempt, the two Jedi Initiates employ their Force powers to successfully position the curtain. Zia Zaldor Zanna, accompanied by Lys Solay, soon makes her entrance. Zanna expresses her gratitude to Durango for her organizational efforts before assisting a pair of human and Mirialan Jedi younglings who have stumbled.
Durango informs her Jedi youngling companions about her invitation to her favorite band, the Ku-Bops, to perform later. The band is composed of Metz (the electric vioddle player), Bruff (on rumble bass), and Kit, their droid DJ. RJ communicates in Binary his immense admiration for Kit. Shortly thereafter, a distressed Metz and Kit arrive, with Metz reporting Bruff's disappearance and lack of communication. Metz worries that the show may have to be called off. When Durango wonders if Bruff is simply running late, Metz insists that Bruff is always punctual. Solay inquires about when he was last seen. Metz remembers seeing Bruff at their rehearsal the previous night.
Durango is concerned about the concert setup, but Solay proposes prioritizing Bruff's well-being. While Brightstar, Nubs, Kit, and RJ remain to finalize the preparations, Durango, Solay, and Metz embark on a search for Bruff. Brightstar expresses his hope that the Force guides them. When Solay asks where Bruff typically goes after rehearsals, Metz recalls that he usually goes home. They make their way to Bruff's residence via speeder bikes. Kai and Nubs then proceed to set up the speaker system. Prompted by Brightstar, Nubs tests the system, but the volume is so powerful that it sends RJ reeling. Brightstar jokes that it is operational.
Durango, Solay, and Metz use speeder bikes to get to Bruff's place. They knocked, and his younger brother Sep answered the door. They inquired if Bruff was at home. Sep verifies that a dejected Bruff returned home the previous night but subsequently departed. Sep is unsure of the reason for Bruff's distress but compliments Solay's purple hair before retreating inside. When Solay asks Metz if Bruff seemed troubled, he admits that Bruff might have been, but he was preoccupied with the upcoming performance to notice.
Solay shares that she seeks solace at her preferred Tenoo tree to observe the Tika birds when she is upset. Solay asks Metz whether Bruff has a special place he visits when he's feeling down. Metz remembers that Bruff frequently visits the Hap's Sap Tap. They journeyed there, but he wasn't there. Instead, they encounter Hap preparing for the evening's concert. Hap confirms that a troubled Bruff visited his establishment, and he served him his favorite beverage to lift his spirits. Although Hap couldn't pinpoint the cause of Bruff's distress, he informs Metz and his companions that Bruff left his rumble bass behind. Metz concludes that Bruff must have been extremely upset to abandon his instrument. Durango asks where Bruff went, but Hap is unsure.
Back at the stage, Brightstar and Nubs complete the setup of Kit's station, and Kit puts it to the test. The soundboard functions correctly, and Brightstar is pleased with their accomplishments. Brightstar says that they just need the band. Meanwhile, Metz recalls that Bruff enjoys relaxing by the river to gain inspiration for his music. Metz overheard a song the band wrote, and he started to run toward the dock where he finds Bruff. However, Bruff is unwilling to perform because he resents Metz for not letting him sing in their band. Whenever he asked Metz, he always says later. Metz insists on singing, claiming that it's his job in the band.
Durango proposes that they resolve their issues while returning to the temple. Bruff demands the opportunity to sing or he will not attend the concert. Metz attempts to persuade him by offering his rumble bass. While accusing Metz of being overly focused on the concert, Bruff takes a step back and inadvertently falls into a nearby speeder. Metz attempted to grab him but he falls in too. Metz accidentally hits and breaks the controls, and they begin to move towards the rapids and the waterfall.
Determined to save their friends, Durango and Solay board the Crimson Bolt and pursue them. Before Metz and Bruff's uncontrolled speeder reaches the waterfall's edge, Lys utilizes the Force to secure a log between two rocks, rescuing the two musicians and their vehicle. Subsequently, the Crimson Bolt tows Metz and Bruff's speeder back to the port.
Upon returning to the dock, Bruff and Metz begin to argue about who was responsible for the accident. Durango points out that they are not listening to each other. Solay suggests that they both share the blame and should forgive each other as friends. Durango persuades Metz to allow Bruff to sing that night and suggests alternating turns for future concerts. Metz apologizes to Bruff for his selfishness and extends an invitation for him to sing. The two embrace, and Durango reminds them about the concert.
While Hap is serving sap-shakes, Brightstar wonders where the others are. Metz and Bruff arrive at the concert riding on a speeder bike, followed by Durango and Solay. Kit hugs the two bandmates. At the stage, Bruff apologizes for being late before launching the concert. Bruff performs a song about teamwork, impressing Master Zanna. In gratitude, Bruff and Metz invite Durango to sing with them.