The Girl and Her Gargantua

"The Girl and Her Gargantua" represents the initial segment of the eighth episode featured in the animated series, Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. Its debut occurred on August 2, 2023, via the Disney+ streaming service.

Official description

The young apprentices are in pursuit of a creature that has broken free.

Plot summary

Becoming Friends with Garganchie

With the blessing of Jedi Master Zia Zaldor Zanna, Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, and Nubs accompany SF-R3 ("Aree") on a large freighter for the purpose of transporting several animals to Sil Gohtta's Nature Preserve. The younglings, particularly Solay, are thrilled to encounter the various furry beings, including a varactyl, bantha, and a Gargantua. Solay develops a bond with the Gargantua, affectionately calling him "Garganchie." Aree expresses his gratitude to the younglings for their assistance in maintaining the animals' composure during the extended hyperspace voyage. Furthermore, he observes Solay's special connection with Garganchie, a species typically wary of unfamiliar individuals.

Following an alert from a sensor, Aree informs the Jedi Initiates of the necessity to land on a nearby planet for refueling, as the animals' weight has significantly depleted the ship's fuel reserves. Aree's vessel touches down on a red-sanded desert planet. Before exiting, Solay reassures Garganchie of their prompt return. Subsequent to their landing, two Besalisk siblings, named Slaygh and Braygh, become intrigued by the animal sounds emanating from Aree's freighter and decide to investigate. Braygh initially speculates it's a musk-mole, but Slaygh corrects her, identifying it as a much larger animal.

Braygh and Slaygh's Mishap

Upon discovering an unlocked entrance, Braygh and Slaygh venture into the ship, focusing their interest on Garganchie. Braygh attempts to greet the creature, but the siblings are overwhelmed by its massive proportions. In their panic, Braygh collides with Slaygh, inadvertently pushing her aside. Braygh mistakenly unlocks Garganchie's enclosure, leading to the creature's escape from the starship. After debating responsibility, the two decide to chase the Gargantua to prevent chaos in their town.

The escaped Gargantua causes alarm among the local populace, whose shouts reach Aree and the younglings. Noticing the open door of Garganchie's pen, Aree and the younglings deduce the Gargantua's escape. The two Besalisk siblings admit to seeing it but are reluctant to explain how Garganchie got out, when questioned by Solay. Braygh pledges that she and Slaygh will recapture the Gargantua before it can cause harm. While the locals express approval, Aree attempts to clarify that Gargantuas are gentle and wouldn't harm even a Bifflefly. A Nautolan resident voices his disagreement, even as Braygh promises to capture the creature. They then board a speeder and set off in pursuit of Garganchie.

Finding Garganchie

Aree expresses concern that the Besalisk siblings might frighten or injure Garganchie. Solay is determined to locate Garganchie first. When Brightstar inquires about their search strategy, Solay consults their datapad for information on Gargantuas. She discovers that Gargantuas are shy and avoid crowds, while Aree recalls their nocturnal nature. Brightstar suggests that Garganchie sought a dark, secluded spot to rest. Nubs communicates his agreement in Poobian. Brightstar remembers seeing caves upon landing and believes the Gargantua may have retreated there to sleep. Aree permits the younglings to search for Garganchie, while he remains behind to safeguard the remaining animals on the ship.

While traversing the flat terrain, the three Jedi younglings call out for Garganchie. They employ cables to descend into a canyon leading to the caves. During their search, Nubs discovers him asleep inside one of the caves. However, the ground beneath Nubs gives way, and he falls into the cave. The Beslisk siblings overhear Nubs' cries, leading them to turn around and head towards Garganchie's cave, fearing the Gargantua was harming Nubs.

Having also heard Nubs' cries, Brightstar and Solay hurry to the cave, only to find Garganchie gently cuddling Nubs with his enormous paws, relieving them. Nubs explains that he fell and Garganchie caught him, which Brightstar translates. Solay reminds her companions that Gargantuas are gentle despite their imposing size. Garganchie then lifts the younglings and embraces them.

Saving the town

Shortly thereafter, Braygh and Slaygh arrive at the cave in their speeder, intending to rescue the younglings. However, a malfunction in their landspeeder's engine frightens Garganchie. Startled, the Gargantua begins to flee back towards town. Braygh attempts to restrain the creature, but Solay assures him that Garganchie is harmless. Brightstar acknowledges that people are often scared of Gargantuas due to their size but reassures the Besalisk siblings of their gentle nature. Slaygh persuades her sibling that the children can assist them. Braygh agrees, urging them to hurry. Together, they return to town in their speeder.

Upon Garganchie's arrival in town, panic erupts once more. The Gargantua, in turn, becomes frightened and climbs atop a circular structure. The Jedi younglings and the Besalisk siblings soon arrive in their landspeeder. While Braygh still views Garganchie as a threat, Solay explains that the creature is sensitive to loud noises and requires silence to calm down. The three Jedi younglings utilize their Force powers to prevent a townsperson from being crushed by falling crates.

Garganchie continues to traverse buildings, eventually climbing a tower within a mushroom-shaped complex. Braygh and Slaygh seize electrostaffs and ascend the tower in pursuit of Garganchie. Garganchie leaps onto one of the mushroom-shaped platforms. As the Besalisk siblings corner Garganchie, Solay attempts to reason with them. Braygh attacks the Gargantua with his electrostaff, causing Garganchie to inadvertently knock him off the ledge. Slaygh attempts to save her sister but also falls off the edge.

Garganchie saves the Besalisk siblings from falling.

Witnessing others in peril, Garganchie jumps from the platform and catches the Besalisk siblings in his paws, safely cushioning their fall. Slaygh and Braygh are astounded and curious as to why the Gargantua would save them. Solay approaches, and Garganchie allows her to climb onto his shoulder. She explains that Garganchie is a gentle giant despite his intimidating appearance. Garganchie permits the Besalisk siblings to stroke his head. Slaygh concludes that Garganchie is a gentle soul despite his imposing presence. Solay addresses the townspeople, requesting that they remain calm and quiet to facilitate Garganchie's safe return to the ship. The townspeople agree to cooperate.


After the adventure, Brightstar wonders how Garganchie managed to escape. Prompted by Slaygh, Braygh admits that she accidentally pressed the release button but kept quiet out of fear of the consequences. After Braygh apologizes for her actions, Slaygh says that they both will repair the damage they caused. Garganchie then hugs the two Besalisk siblings, with Braygh saying that this is the greatest hug she had ever had. The two then said goodbye to Garganchie.

Back on the ship, Aree thanks the younglings for successfully retrieving Garganchie. Solay affirms that they can now return the creatures to their natural habitat. The Besalisk siblings bid farewell to Garganchie with tears in their eyes. Braygh expresses her sadness at his departure, while Slaygh inquires about visiting him. Aree assures them that they are welcome to visit Sil Gohtta's Nature Preserve at any time. Braygh praises Solay for her friendship with Garganchie. Later, at the Nature Preserve, Solay and her fellow Jedi say goodbye to Garganchie as he explores his new home.

