"The Missing Kibbin" represents the second segment within the seventh episode of the animated show Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. Its debut occurred on Disney+ on May 4, 2023.
The narrative commences with Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, together with Nubs, anticipating service at Hap's Sap Tap located in Kublop Springs. The younglings resolve to sample one of Hap's culinary offerings. Hap presents various options, notably the Tenooan channelfish dumplings and also the spicy vegetable and riverweed dumplings. Solay, along with Nubs, expresses satisfaction with their chosen snacks. Prior to Brightstar having the chance to savor his snack, an external disturbance outside the establishment captures his attention.

A female Twi'lek distinguished by her blue skin collides with a Dowutin man, resulting in the spillage of contents from a container. Brightstar informs his companions about a perpetrator causing disruption throughout the Kublop Springs marketplace, thereby persuading them to launch an inquiry. The collective of three Jedi Initiates encounters the Dowutin sifting through refuse receptacles in search of an object. Following mutual inquiries regarding their respective actions, Brightstar extends introductions for himself and his associates. He then queries the Dowutin regarding the reason for his rummaging through the trash. The Dowutin introduces himself as Ansen Strung, identifying himself as a bounty hunter. Upon Nubs voicing bewilderment in Poobian, Strung elucidates that bounty hunters are contracted to locate items and individuals. Strung, encountering financial difficulties, reveals his assignment to locate a kibbin pet named Figgles.
Solay, by consulting her datapad, recalls the kibbin as a diminutive, furry creature. Strung regards the kibbin search as beneath his capabilities as a bounty hunter, yet consents due to a scarcity of current employment. Strung mentions that his client dangled a substantial reward for recovering the kibbin before nightfall, but he is concerned about the lack of remaining time. Brightstar volunteers assistance, citing the Jedi's commitment to aiding others. Strung initially hesitates to accept external support, asserting adequate resources, including jet boots, detonators, and binocs.
Solay engages a button situated on his gauntlet, unleashing an energy-based net, which ensnares Nubs. Strung promptly liberates Nubs. Brightstar and Solay convey to Strung that despite their lack of bounty hunting experience, collaborative efforts could expedite the kibbin's recovery before night. Strung is hesitant to accept assistance but acknowledges the pressing need for the reward. Strung clarifies that he will not prevent the younglings from participating in the search for the missing kibbin. Brightstar and his friends consent to aiding Strung in the endeavor to locate the missing kibbin. Strung agrees to their assistance but cautions that they do not constitute a team, and he will not distribute the reward. Nubs and the others agree to his conditions.
Solay recollects that kibbins possess a tendency to be easily startled and adept at concealing themselves in confined spaces. Brightstar proposes engaging with the populace, emphasizing the affability of Kublop Springs' inhabitants. Strung aggressively questions two Mon Calamari children, but his abrasive interrogation frightens them. Solay intervenes, inquiring whether they have observed a kibbin, while presenting a hologram depiction of the animal. The first Mon Calamari child recalls that his sister witnessed something snatch the Channelfish they had recently caught from the boat. Brightstar believes this is a clue. When Strung demands that the Mon Calamari hand over their metal bucket, Solay suggests that he could ask his question more politely.
Strung utters "please," and the children surrender the bucket. Nubs identifies kibbin tracks on the adjacent wooden dock. Although Solay is unable to discern the direction of the tracks, Strung activates his Macrobinoculars to infrared mode, enabling him to ascertain the kibbin's trajectory. Strung boasts of his bounty hunting prowess before remembering the younglings. The Jedi younglings and Strung trace the kibbin tracks to Nash Durango's home. Durango denies having seen a kibbin and expresses surprise at a bounty hunter looking for cute animals. Strung reveals that the animal is worth a lot of credits while Brightstar asks for permission to look around. He thinks that the kibbin may be hiding somewhere. Strung reluctantly thanks the children while Durango walks away, allowing them to commence their search.
The younglings and Strung conduct a search of Durango's residence, which includes a storage cupboard. Upon witnessing Nubs' struggle to ascend a cupboard, Strung permits the Poobian child to ascend his back. Strung activates his jet boots, and the duo examines the upper shelves of the towering cupboard. Nubs finds no sign of the kibbib in the top shelves. Brightstar discovers a partially consumed channelfish sandwich on a plate. Durango grumbles that someone has eaten her sandwich, which she has been saving. Solay spots kibbin teeth marks on the sandwich, which leads Strung to cheer that they have found another clue. The Dowutin catches Nubs after he falls from the cupboard.
Brightstar spots a trail of bread crumbs and leads the pursuit. He hands the sandwich back to Durango, who chomps on them. The breadcrumbs lead to the Chadra-Fan Marlaa Jinara's junkyard. Jinara says that he has not sent a kibbin. When Brightstar provides a description, Jinara realizes that he saw the kibbin rummaging through a pile of channelfish cans. Strung wants to capture the animal but Solay warns him not to scare it. Realizing that Figgles is surrounded by piles of junk, Brightstar proposes that they work together to surround it before the kibbin runs away. Strung decides that he doesn't need the younglings' help anymore and attempts to capture Figgles on his own.
Despite Solay's warning, Strung charges and attempts to trap Figgles with his energy net. However, the kibbin is able to escape and jumps on top of his head. Figgles then runs circles around the younglings before fleeing the junkyard. The younglings don't know where Figgles went. Strung expresses frustration about his bounty hunting skills and being unable to find a pet. Strung thinks that he is getting too old and wants to give up bounty hunting. Solay and Brightstar encourages him not to give up. Brightstar reminds him that they found the kibbing by working together as a team and says they can do it again. Nubs strokes him on the head.
Strung accepts that Figgles escaped due to him trying to catch the creature on his own. Strung recognizes the merits of team work and asks the younglings if they genuinely want to help him. While holding a can of channelfish, Solay decides that they could make the kibbin come to them. Based on Figgles' earlier movements, Solay realizes that the kibbin likes to eat channelfish and suggests that they can use Hap's channelfish dumplings to lure it out of hiding and capture it.
Through combined efforts, the Jedi younglings employ a dish of channelfish dumplings to entice Figgles from its concealment. Subsequently, they utilize their Force powers to encircle it with freight containers. Upon Brightstar's cue, Strung ensnares Figgles within an energy-based net. Following the deactivation of the net, Solay pacifies the creature by providing it with a channelfish dumpling. She conveys to Figgles their intention to return it to its domicile. Strung permits the kibbin to ascend onto him, remarking that the animal constituted his most demanding task.
Subsequently, at Hap's Sap Tap, the younglings and Strung are socializing with Figgles. They are joined by Raena Zess, who expresses gratitude to Mr. Ansen for locating her pet. She cuddles and strokes Figgles. Zess says that her uncle was right that he is the best bounty hunter in the Outer Rim Territories. Brightstar agrees and compliments Strung. Strung admits that he has never been hired to find a lost pet before and credits the Jedi younglings for helping him. Brightstar tells Zess that they are happy she got her pet back. While Figgles head-strokes Strung, Zess pays him and takes Figgles home.
Following his successful hunt, Strung decides to spend more time in Kublop Springs, saying that he has learned the importance of teamwork and finds the locals friendly. Hap serves Strung and the younglings a fresh plate of channelfish dumplings. Strung decides to treat the children to more dumplings and some sap beverages in lieu of not sharing his reward with them. He quips that they worked like a team but tells them not to get used to it.