The initial installment, "The Jedi and the Thief," forms the opening segment of the seventh episode within the animated series, Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. Its debut occurred on Disney+ on May 4, 2023.
The episode commences as Kai Brightstar participates in a lightsaber training exercise, facing off against a training droid adorned in the likeness of Taborr Val Dorn. Brightstar emerges victorious from the duel. Lys Solay and Nubs express their amusement and admiration for his performance. However, Jedi Master Zia Zaldor Zanna displays displeasure towards Brightstar's decision to dress the droid in a costume. Brightstar responds, stating that it aids in maintaining his concentration. Subsequently, Solay and Nubs take their turn in dueling with the droid.
When Master Zia inquires whether he desires to fight Val Dorn, Brightstar defends his actions by asserting that Val Dorn is a thief and pirate who inflicts harm upon his companions. Brightstar believes that by engaging him in combat, he can compel Val Dorn to cease causing pain. Zanna extends an invitation to Brightstar to accompany her on a mission, exclusively for the two of them.
During their journey through hyperspace aboard their shuttle, Brightstar inquires about their destination. Zanna elucidates that one of the Tenoo Jedi Temple's cooling units has malfunctioned. She mentions that she has a friend in proximity who possesses the necessary equipment to rectify the issue. The pair arrives on a desert planet characterized by rocky canyons. Upon landing at a settlement, Zanna informs Brightstar that she underwent training on this planet during her youth. Brightstar expresses astonishment and disbelief.
Zanna then revisits the subject of dressing the training droid as Val Dorn. While Val Dorn has indeed perpetrated crimes, Zanna asserts that there is more to being a Jedi than merely engaging in combat with pirates. Brightstar raises the question of fighting to safeguard individuals but is interrupted by a Houk man named Faraz, who embraces Zanna. Zanna explains that she encountered Brightstar while undergoing training on the planet. Zanna informs Faraz that she is seeking to purchase a spare Cryo-spanner.
As Faraz examines his storage container, he suggests that they could negotiate a deal. Brightstar inquires about Master Zia's demeanor during her youth. Faraz recalls that Zanna was a spirited youngling who consistently sought opportunities to confront pirates, scrappers, or thieves. Zanna blushes and acknowledges that she has gained considerable knowledge since then. At that moment, Brightstar discerns the sound of their shuttle engines starting up and realizes that someone has absconded with their shuttle.
Zanna and Brightstar borrow Faraz's speeder bike. Faraz implores them to return it intact as they pursue the stolen shuttle through a canyon. Brightstar inquires about the identity of the shuttle thief. Zanna responds that they are uncertain but will ascertain the culprit's identity. Brightstar is impressed by Zanna's proficiency in riding the speeder bike. With the shuttle ascending higher, Zanna propels the bike up a stony ramp. Despite being unable to land the bike atop the shuttle, Zanna and Brightstar employ their Force powers to leap onto the shuttle's roof. The bike spirals back to the ground and explains. Zanna laments the destruction of Faraz's bike for the second time.
The pair enters the cockpit and confronts the thief, who is revealed to be Ace Kallisto, a former acquaintance of Zanna. Kallisto chuckles and remarks that Zanna is becoming slow in her old age. Upon recognizing a Jedi shuttle, Kallisto surmised that it must belong to Zanna. She confesses that she desired to steal a Jedi shuttle due to its inherent value. Brightstar inquires whether Zanna knows Kallisto. Zanna confirms their acquaintance and identifies Kallisto as a renowned thief within the sector.
Brightstar brandishes his lightsaber at Kallisto, but she dismisses him with laughter and inquires about his identity. Brightstar introduces himself and declares that he and Master Zia intend to reclaim the shuttle. While wielding his lightsaber, Brightstar loses his grip, causing the lightsaber to damage the console and initiate the ship's descent. Kallisto is unable to regain command of the flight controls. The three cling on as the shuttle crashes into a cave.
Following the landing, Brightstar inquires about the events that transpired. Kallisto replies that his lightsaber damaged the controls, resulting in their shuttle crash. Brightstar is taken aback by the repercussions of his rash actions. Master Zanna has sustained a twisted right ankle and is unable to walk. Kallisto assists her in standing. Zanna suggests summoning assistance, but Brightstar discovers that the comm system was damaged during the crash. Kallisto ascertains that her comlink is non-functional. Zanna deduces that this is due to their crash landing within a cave, which impedes their signal from escaping.
Brightstar proposes exiting the cave, but they find their path obstructed by a formidable stalaat. Kallisto elucidates that the creature is displeased by their intrusion into its habitat. Brightstar accepts responsibility and states that he was attempting to assist. Zanna asserts that it was an accident and emphasizes the necessity of collaboration to escape. Brightstar offers to rectify the situation, but Zanna cautions him against venturing out alone. With Zanna unable to walk, she instructs Brightstar and Kallisto to cooperate.
Brightstar harbors distrust towards Kallisto due to her status as a thief. Kallisto retorts that she is a "master thief" and concurs with Zia's assessment that they must collaborate to bypass the stalaat and summon assistance. Zanna urges Brightstar to remember her lesson that there is more to bring a Jedi than fighting. She recounts that she was similar to him during her training on the planet as a Padawan. She recounts that when she and Kallisto first met, they were not friends. Since Kallisto was a thief, Zanna thought she was a bad person and wanted to stop her.
When Brightstar points out that Kallisto remains a thief, Zanna counters that even if someone has done bad things before, they can still choose to do good. Zanna affirms that this is her belief as a Jedi. While Brightstar struggles to comprehend, she instructs him to trust her judgment and accompany Ace. As the two depart, Kallisto regards Zanna with concern.
Assessing the situation within the cave, Kallisto instructs Brightstar to distract the stalaat while she stealthily exits the cave to summon assistance. Brightstar remains skeptical and fears that she will abscond. To earn Brightstar's trust, Kallisto volunteers to distract the beasts. The two then find themselves cornered by two stalaats. Abandoning their initial plan, the two resolve to flee the cave together. Brightstar discovers that the stalaats are drawn to his lightsaber. Following Kallisto's advice, he employs it to divert the animals.
To Brightstar's dismay, Kallisto flees back to the starship, The two stalaats close in on Brightstar with their teeth and fangs. Before they can harm him, Kallisto and Zanna employ the shuttle's cannons to frighten the stalaats. Brightstar is relieved that Kallisto didn’t run away. Running outside the cave, Brightstar transmits a distress signal via his comlink but initially encounters static. The rescue caller responds that they have locked onto his comm and are dispatching a rescue team.
Subsequently, several droids arrive on a repair shuttle and commence repairs on the damaged Jedi shuttle. Kallisto remarks to Zanna that Brightstar resembles her and expresses confidence that he will develop into a virtuous individual. Zanna concurs and inquires whether Kallisto will also become virtuous. Kallisto advises against expecting such a transformation but expresses that it was pleasant to reunite until their next encounter. Zanna expresses gratitude to a droid, stating that she is improving.
Brightstar embraces Zanna. He confides that he has been contemplating whether Kallisto is inherently good or bad. When she inquires about his conclusion, Brightstar acknowledges that stealing is wrong but recognizes that Ace also rescued her when she could have abandoned them. While Zanna smiles and nods, Brightstar realizes that she is not that bad and believes that people can change and choose to do. Brightstar asks Zanna if she thinks that Kallisto can change her ways. Zanna thinks she can. Brightstar posits that if Kallisto is capable of change, then perhaps Val Dorn can also change one day.
Upon returning to the Tenoo Jedi Temple, Brightstar and Zanna observe Solay and Nubs training with the training droid dressed as Val Dorn. They notice that Zanna is limping. Brightstar explains that Master Zanna jumped from a speeder onto a shuttle in midair. When Solay asks really, Zanna recalls that she needs to get Faraz a new speeder bike.
Brightstar chuckles but remembers his new appraisal of Val Dorn. He informs Solay and Nubs that they need not pretend to be fighting Val Dorn. He removes the Taborr costume from the training droid. When Solay asks why, Brightstar tells his friends that being a Jedi is not about fighting but rather than people can choose to do good including pirates like Val Dorn. Brightstar expresses gratitude to Zanna for aiding him in comprehending this lesson before engaging in a lightsaber training session with his friends.