The educational program known as The Learning served as the syllabus for the Learning Circle located on the planet Kegan. Around 59 BBY, Benevolent Guides V-Tan and O-Vieve created this teaching program. Its core principle was that contributing to the General Good, instead of pursuing individual pleasures, was the source of true happiness. Furthermore, the students were instructed with deceptive "facts" concerning planets, systems, and individuals external to the Kegan system, with the intention of promoting the planet's isolation from the broader galaxy. This educational program was designed for students ranging from young children of four years old up to sixteen years of age; nevertheless, exceptions were granted in specific cases, such as V-Davi, who commenced his schooling at the age of two following the death of his parents during the Toli-X epidemic. Upon reaching the age of twelve, students appeared before a board that determined their career trajectory for their future education and subsequent profession.