The Learning Circle, situated on the planet of Kegan, functioned as an educational institution. It instructed young Keganites in the principles of the General Good via a structured educational program referred to as The Learning. When students exhibited undesirable conduct, Control Guides dispatched them to the Re-Learning Circle. There, they were subjected to solitary confinement in cells and underwent direct brainwashing using headsets while wearing sensory deprivation suits.
This Learning Circle essentially operated as an independent city, due to its location more than two hours from the capital of Kegan. The educational establishment boasted its own track for recreation, healthcare resources, quadrangles, and agricultural land. In addition, the compound was defended by a network of Security Guides, defensive walls, alert systems, and elevated watch posts. The year 44 BBY marked the closure of the Circle, triggered by the Kegan populace's discovery of the activities occurring inside. Consequently, V-Tan and O-Vieve were removed from their positions as Benevolent Guides.