"The Ghost Ship" functions as a preliminary narrative to the primary story, "Destroyer Down." This tale was initially featured as a supplementary story within the Loot Crate exclusive comic, Star Wars Adventures: Destroyer Down, and its initial release occurred on December 20, 2017. Subsequently, it was included in the Star Wars Adventures: Destroyer Down miniseries as well.
A battle unfolded above Fondor, pitting the forces of the New Republic against those of the Galactic Empire. Shepherd Squadron, representing the Republic, entered the conflict and set their sights on the Interdictor-class heavy cruiser known as the Spectral. The pilots communicated their readiness and intentions for the impending assault.
Aboard the Spectral, an Imperial officer informed Admiral Ektol Traz that Vice Admiral Rae Sloane had issued an order for all starships to retreat towards Jakku. However, Traz initially declined to comply, only relenting when the battle's outcome became clear. Subsequently, he commanded the deployment of all available TIE fighters.
As the Imperial Starfighter Pilots hurried through the vessel, the KX-series security droid, K-8Z8, instructed the guards to assist in safeguarding the ship amidst the ongoing combat.
Shepherd Squadron advanced towards the oncoming TIE fighters as the battle intensified. Lieutenant Bak Rychuk trailed Captain Yancee Drai, only to witness her death at the hands of a TIE fighter. Driven by this loss, Rychuk then propelled towards the Spectral, confident that the TIE fighters would avoid targeting their own capital ship. As the Spectral prepared to engage its hyperspace drive, Rychuk's fellow pilots urgently cautioned him to disengage. However, the Spectral initiated its jump to hyperspace, inadvertently carrying Rychuk along with it.