The narrative "Destroyer Down" centers on Rey's experiences on Jakku. It initially appeared as the primary story within the Loot Crate exclusive comic, Star Wars Adventures: Destroyer Down, which was released on December 20, 2017. Subsequently, it was republished as part of the Star Wars Adventures: Destroyer Down miniseries.
A powerful storm, characterized by intense winds and lightning, raged across the planet of Jakku. Inside the dilapidated Hellhound Two, Rey was about to consume her polystarch portion bread when a sudden gust of wind ripped off the walker's hatch, causing sand to inundate her dwelling and contaminate her foodstuff.
Following this incident, she made her way to Niima Outpost, where she encountered Bobbajo, who informed her of an announcement from Unkar Plutt. Plutt assembled all the scavengers and recounted the Galactic Empire's last stand against the New Republic on the planet. He then revealed that only one Imperial starships remained unlooted. Teedo, one of the scavengers, expressed skepticism towards Plutt's claims, prompting Plutt to instruct the large Abednedo, Roodown, to eject him. Rey intervened by persuading constable Zuvio to rescue Teedo by severing Roodown's cyborg hand.
Plutt then unveiled the Imperial ship to the assembled scavengers. The Spectral was among the Empire's most formidable dreadnaughts. This dreadnaught had been rediscovered after recent storms had shifted the sands, revealing it after several days. Rey and the other scavengers recognized the ship as the infamous "Ghost Ship."
One scavenger recounted tales of the ship being haunted, with an active Imperial squadron stationed aboard awaiting inspection from Emperor Palpatine, unaware of his killed. However, another scavenger offered a different account, claiming the Imperial squadron was being hunted by ewoks who had been previously imprisoned on the ship.
Rey challenged Plutt's motives for sending the scavengers on this mission. She pointed out that there was nothing preventing her and her fellow scavengers from claiming the ship's scraps for themselves. However, Plutt reminded her that he controlled the market at Niima Outpost and, consequently, they worked for him. Plutt then produced a flag to be used to claim the ship in his name.
While Plutt was speaking, Rey seized the flag and sped off on her speeder. Plutt ordered the other scavengers to pursue her and seize any scraps she might find for him. However, Zuvio instructed Roodown to inform his employers to refrain from harming Rey, believing she was destined for greater things.
Meanwhile, Rey arrived at the wrecked ship and began to have a bad feeling about the job. She then accelerated her speeder up a steep sand dune, with Sarco Plank and the other scavengers watching. She swiftly dismounted the speeder and clung to the side of the ship. The scavengers observed, uncertain whether she had perished in the attempt. Rey then detached an escape pod, causing it to plummet to the ground, narrowly missing the other scavengers. Rey boarded the ship and began her exploration, hoping that the Spectral was indeed abandoned.