Televan Koreyy

A well-known information broker of Human descent, Televan Koreyy operated out of Mos Espa, a city situated on the planet of Tatooine. Koreyy exerted significant authority as the head of the Street Performers And Panhandlers' Guild, maintaining strict control over all members. During the Boonta Eve Classic podrace in 32 BBY, Koreyy observed the event from a box owned by Watto, a Toydarian. He was seated next to another Human, positioned against the back wall of the box, behind both Watto and Graxol Kelvyyn, an Anx.

Koreyy possessed the ability to survive on very little food. He had fair skin, long brown hair, and blue eyes. His attire included a light brown tunic, a gray jacket featuring a brown lining, brown trousers, and brown footwear.

Behind the scenes

Televan Koreyy's initial appearance was as an extra, portrayed by an uncredited actor, in Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, a film from the prequel trilogy released in 1999. His identification first occurred in 2001, specifically on his card within the Coruscant Limited expansion for the Star Wars Customizable Card Game. A token bearing Koreyy's likeness served as a representation of mercenary characters in Star Wars: Invasion of Theed Adventure Game by Wizards of the Coast, which was released in 2000. Furthermore, this token was employed in the 2001 adventure game scenario "Signal Interruption" to embody the character Raymas Daal.

