Sirenas Firil was an inexperienced bounty hunter (of the female variety) active during the era of the Galactic Civil War. While she was affiliated with a small bounty hunter organization operating out of Port Evokk, she also took on independent contracts. One such contract involved Firil participating in the pursuit of Alliance operative Pallas Quintell.
Before being tasked by the Galactic Empire with the mission of locating a rebel agent, Firil had only been working as a bounty hunter for one year. She partnered with Chandrex Grenn, another rookie bounty hunter, on this assignment. Together, they followed the rebel to a secret camp nestled in the foothills of Kallistas. Following a short exchange of blaster fire, they managed to subdue the rebel, inflicting a wound in the process. Subsequently, they handed over their prisoner to Prefect Dengless Rinn and split the reward of one thousand credits. Following this, Rinn contracted Firil and Grenn, alongside another bounty hunter named Demos Traxen, to hunt down the pirate Jondrell Inx.
Bill Smith created Sirenas Firil for Galaxy Guide 10: Bounty Hunters. This supplement, published by West End Games in 1994, was designed for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game.