Chandrex Grenn

Chandrex Grenn, a male bounty hunter of Iotran descent, operated throughout the Galactic Civil War era.


Grenn, Chandrex, was a sole survivor after the Alliance seized an Imperial research facility. Following his escape from detention, Grenn embarked on a quest to locate his sister, who had disappeared within the Outer Rim Territories following an Alliance assault on an Imperial naval installation located at Shadren V. Functioning as a bounty hunter, Grenn teamed up with a new associate, Sirenas Firil, to pursue agent Pallas Quintell of the Alliance, who was located on the planet Kallistas. Their objective was to claim a bounty offered by Prefect Dengless Rinn. The mission proved successful, and the reward was split between the two hunters. Subsequently, after being marooned on the same planet with Demos Traxen, another bounty hunter who had recently arrived, they were once again contracted by Rinn to track down pirate Jondrell Inx.

