Sakhet's Noodles, a noodle vendor on the world of Denon, was owned and operated by Sakhet, a Kupohan who also worked as a spy for the Kupohan Spynet. The restaurant was a local favorite. Beyond just selling noodles, the eatery served as a clandestine hub where individuals could inquire about her intelligence network. Kupohans made up the staff at Sakhet's Noodles, fulfilling roles such as taking customer orders, preparing the food, and serving the meals.
During 0 ABY, Luke Skywalker and Nakari Kelen, members of the Rebel Alliance, utilized both Sakhet's intelligence and her culinary services while attempting to locate the cryptologist Drusil Bephorin on Denon. To solicit Sakhet's assistance, Skywalker and Kelen were obligated to order Corellian buckwheat noodles accompanied by rancor sauce. The day following their meal, Sakhet included them on a delivery route, during which Skywalker and Kelen obtained vital information that aided them in developing a strategy to rescue Bephorin from the clutches of the Galactic Empire.
Sakhet's Noodles, a noodle vendor, was situated in the northwestern section of a small plaza within the Lodos district of the Inner Rim planet Denon. The long queues were a testament to its popularity among the diverse local population, which was made up of various species. A menu, inscribed in Galactic Standard and other alphabets, hung above the establishment. At any given time, at least three Kupohans were employed at the eatery, including Sakhet, her son, and a third individual. The third Kupohan took customer orders, while Sakhet's son prepared and packaged the food—noodles, meat, and vegetables—in greased flimsicard containers for takeout. Among the noodle varieties offered was Corellian buckwheat noodles, which could be ordered with a separate item, such as nerf nuggets with onions or rancor sauce. The business accepted credits as a form of currency.
Customers received a receipt with their order number after placing their orders and picked up their food at a separate window around the corner when it was ready. The food was provided in cartons along with disposable eating sticks. While there was no seating in the plaza, customers could use a nearby pavilion with six wooden picnic tables. These tables were equipped with salt and [pepper](/article/pepper] for the noodles, but they also had splinters, which made sitting there uncomfortable. Sakhet's Noodles had a delivery speeder for catering orders, which were delivered at all hours of the day because people on Denon ate at all hours.
In addition to noodle sales, Sakhet's Noodles operated as an intelligence hub. As a spy within the Kupohan Spynet, Sakhet recognized that an individual seeking intelligence services would order the Corellian buckwheat noodles with rancor sauce. Other staff members were also aware of this protocol, as the order taker would add further instructions to the customer's receipt, such as a return time for the following day.

During 0 ABY, Rebel Alliance agents Luke Skywalker and Nakari Kelen were dispatched to Denon by Alliance Admiral Gial Ackbar to consult with Sakhet regarding her intelligence capabilities. Ackbar and the Alliance hoped that Sakhet could assist them in rescuing their target, the cryptologist Drusil Bephorin, who desired liberation from the Galactic Empire to reunite with family. The two rebels arrived at the plaza housing the noodle shop via a droid taxi and joined the long queue to place their orders.
Kelen requested that Skywalker order for her, opting for the Corellian buckwheat noodles and nerf nuggets with onions. Upon reaching the ordering window, Skywalker repeated Kelen's order and added his own, including rancor sauce to signal his true intentions. The third Kupohan employee took the order and provided them with a receipt. The receipt included their order number and a message to return the following morning.
When their order was announced, Skywalker approached the window around the corner, presented his receipt, and received two hot flimsicard cartons and disposable eating sticks from Sakhet. Amused, Sakhet assured Skywalker that she had given him two orders of the nerf nuggets. Skywalker and Kelen then proceeded to the picnic tables, where a Gran couple had just finished their meal, and consumed their noodles. The following day, Skywalker and Kelen returned to Sakhet's Noodles as instructed. Sakhet instructed them to enter her delivery speeder, explaining that their cover for seeking Bephorin would involve making deliveries to customers. During the delivery run, Skywalker and Kelen devised a plan to extract Bephorin.

Well before 34 ABY, Artiodac chef Strono Tuggs visited Sakhet's Noodles based on a recommendation he received from a rebel spy. The eatery was his first stop on Denon, and he ordered the Corellian buckwheat noodles with rancor sauce, unaware of the order's significance. Upon receiving his food, Tuggs devoured the noodles, using the receipt as a napkin and only realizing afterward that there had been writing on it.
In 35 ABY, Tuggs released his third cookbook, The Ultimate Cookbook, which featured a recipe titled Sakhet's Special, inspired by his meal at Sakhet's Noodles. The chef recounted his experience at the restaurant and expressed concern that he might have missed something important on the sauce-stained receipt.
Sakhet's Noodles was featured in the novel Heir to the Jedi, penned by Kevin Hearne and published in 2015. When asked on his Instagram livestream in January of 2021 if he remembered Sakhet's Noodles, he described writing about it as "a lot of fun."