RX5-TLN, a droid of the assassin type, found itself stationed on the world of Gandle Ott. Gandle Ott is located within the Kathol sector, which itself resides in the Outer Rim Territories. Moff Kentor Sarne, the Imperial warlord overseeing this region, was responsible for RX5-TLN's placement. In the year 8 ABY, the planetary BRT supercomputer, known as CUTH-BRT-92-X3, activated RX5-TLN. This activation occurred under Sarne's directives, with the primary objective of delaying any New Republic presence on Gandle Ott. Sarne had recently been driven from Kal'Shebbol, his territorial capital, by New Republic forces. He sought refuge on Gandle Ott. Aware that the New Republic was in pursuit, the Moff implemented measures to impede the progress of the [FarStar], a CR90 corvette and its crew. RX5-TLN launched an assault on the FarStar's command personnel—who had arrived on Gandle Ott some days after Sarne's departure and were there to establish diplomatic ties—during a performance of the opera Madra Teene at the Theatre Danske in Montrol City. The ensuing conflict resulted in RX5-TLN's destruction.
An assassin droid, specifically designated RX5-TLN, was situated on the planet of Gandle Ott. This planet is located within the Kathol sector of the Outer Rim Territories. Moff Kentor Sarne, the Imperial warlord, had placed RX5-TLN there as a contingency. The droid remained dormant, awaiting activation via a remote command from the planetary BRT supercomputer, identified as CUTH-BRT-92-X3. In the year 8 ABY, New Republic forces ousted Moff Sarne from his capital on Kal'Shebbol. Sarne retreated to Gandle Ott along with his fleet, where he replenished supplies and depleted the system's defensive capabilities. To impede any potential New Republic pursuit, Sarne instructed his primary agent on Gandle Ott, Colonel Olaver Lansel, to initiate a series of command protocols within CUTH-BRT-92-X3. These protocols ensured the computer's unwavering obedience to Imperial directives. CUTH-BRT-92-X3 received orders to employ any means necessary to delay New Republic forces at Gandle Ott. Shortly after Sarne's departure, the New Republic CR90 corvette FarStar entered orbit. A delegation from the FarStar then spent several days on the planet, working to establish diplomatic relations. Throughout this visit, CUTH-BRT-92-X3 attempted, unsuccessfully, to neutralize the New Republic delegation through various methods.
On the fourth day of the visit, CUTH-BRT-92-X3 proceeded to activate RX5-TLN. Upon activation, RX5-TLN was completely isolated from the networks controlled by CUTH-BRT-92-X3, preventing the computer from recalling the assassin. The droid's directives were to eliminate the command crew of the FarStar and disable the corvette. At the moment of RX5-TLN's activation, the FarStar's command crew was attending a performance of Madra Teene, an opera depicting a droid uprising on a colonial world. The performance was held at the Theatre Danske in Montrol City. The droid's plan involved ambushing and killing the officers at the opera house, then proceeding to the FarStar, infiltrating the ship, and utilizing its integrated torpedoes to cripple the vessel from within. Upon arriving at the Theatre Danske, RX5-TLN integrated itself with the opera's cast, many of whom were costumed as assassin droids for the production. RX5-TLN advanced onto the stage during the performance and attempted to assassinate the FarStar command crew members, who were seated in the front rows. The FarStar officers—including Captain Kaiya Adrimetrum, First Officer Gorak Khzam, and Chief Engineer Lofryyhn—responded to the attack and engaged the droid in combat within the theater. The battle unfolded throughout the building, encompassing the aisles, balconies, dressing rooms, backstage areas, and the orchestra pit. Ultimately, the FarStar officers succeeded in destroying RX5-TLN. Soon after, the FarStar crew departed Gandle Ott in pursuit of Sarne, having learned of his destination: the planet Shintel.
RX5-TLN was a bipedal droid that measured 2.3 meters in height and possessed a cylindrical head. Encased in armor, the droid was equipped with a blaster cannon mounted on its left arm. Additionally, a portable proton torpedo launcher containing a magazine of three torpedoes was integrated into its right arm.
RX5-TLN made its appearance in "Death Is Remotely Possible," the third adventure within The DarkStryder Campaign, published by West End Games in 1995.