The DarkStryder Campaign, alternatively referenced as the DarkStryder Incident, represented an initiative undertaken by the New Republic with the objective of deposing Moff Kentor Sarne, a renegade Imperial warlord, in the year 8 ABY.
- The conflict at Battle of Kal'Shebbol
- The Bombing of Domaz
- The engagement at Battle of Kolatill
- The Mission to Aaris III
- The Mission to Gandle Ott
- The Skirmish at Shintel
- The Skirmish at Tanquilla Beach
- The Mission to Pembric II
- The clash known as Battle of Galtea
- The Mission to Sebiris
- The Mission to Binaros
- The Skirmish near Binaros
- The confrontation at Battle of Episol
- The Mission to Dayark
- The Mission to Pitann
- The Mission to Uukaablis
- The combat event at Battle of Qu'mock
- The Liberation of Exocron
- The Battle of Danoor
- The Mission to Q'Maere
- The Skirmish on the Alien Construct
- The Battle of Yvara
- The Skirmish on Demonsgate
- The Battle of Kathol System