The clash known as the Battle of Galtea unfolded between the New Republic corvette, the FarStar, and an Imperial squadron under the command of Moff Kentor Sarne, which was on patrol.
Before its planned journey across the Marcol Void, the FarStar made a stop on the planet Galtea. The purpose was to allow the crew some time off, restock their supplies, and take care of essential maintenance and repairs. During this pause, a spy working for the Empire, known only as the Wraith, managed to send the corvette's coordinates to one of Sarne's patrol groups. He then exploited his position within the FarStar's maintenance crew to tamper with a K4 security droid in the command center. He programmed it with a command override and equipped it with a small gun that fired poison darts. Finally, he planted a remotely detonated explosive on a power line on the bridge, near where the captain usually stood. On the second day of their stay, the FarStar's sensors detected three Imperial ships emerging from hyperspace. Captain Kaiya Adrimetrum immediately ordered the crew to return to the ship and took off to confront the approaching enemy.
The Imperial forces, which included a Strike-class medium cruiser, a Lancer-class frigate, and an Ton-Falk-class escort carrier, came around Galtea's moon, firing all their turbolasers. TIE fighters surged ahead of the capital ships. Recognizing the unfavorable odds, Adrimetrum instructed the X-wings to form a defensive screen, while the navigator calculated a course to escape the planet's vicinity. As the FarStar attempted to flee, the Wraith detonated the explosive on the bridge's power conduit. The resulting blast cut off all power to the bridge and appeared to injure Captain Adrimetrum, causing her to lose consciousness. In reality, the Wraith used the explosion as a distraction to remotely command the K4 droid to shoot Adrimetrum with the poisoned dart.
The corvette's crew worked quickly to reroute power and regain control of the vessel. Fortunately, the navigation computer's backup memory contained the jump coordinates, allowing the ship to escape to safety.
The FarStar withdrew to a remote binary star system, located a few hours away from Galtea and not on any maps. The radiation emitted by the two stars helped conceal the ship from enemy sensors, giving the crew time to repair the damage. Despite the extensive damage to the bridge and hull, the ship sustained only minor casualties. However, Captain Adrimetrum was in a coma in the medical bay. Doctor Akanseh was puzzled by the coma, as the captain's apparent injuries did not seem severe enough to cause it. An investigation led by Acting Captain Gorak Khzam and Security Officer Kl'aal uncovered the Wraith's sabotage and attempted assassination. Akanseh, after analyzing the evidence, discovered traces of poison. Major Breslin Drake remembered that the planet Sebiris was known to be the source of a toxin used by an assassin working for Sarne. Hoping to find an antidote, the FarStar changed course and headed for Sebiris.