Rules of the Blade

The Rules of the Blade, alternatively known as the Phosphura rules, comprised a codified set of duel regulations. These regulations were initially crafted for internal business matters and dispute resolution within the Phosphura Belt Pirates. Subsequently, other pirates throughout the galaxy embraced the Rules of the Blade. These particular duels held a weightier significance and possessed less stylistic flair compared to those practiced by the Dueling academies.

Given the lack of a formal judicial framework, trial by combat became the most straightforward method for establishing guilt or innocence among pirates. The rules established three unique duel types.

  • The initial form, referred to as 'tente', exhibited minimal structure, consisting of a basic duel utilizing either no weapons or simple, non-energy weapons, and was never a fight to the death.
  • The 'rigora' permitted the use of energy weapons and also allowed the challenger to issue death challenges.
  • The concluding type, the 'negate', involved combat between champions, typically leaders, from two rival factions within a pirate organization, with the victor assuming the role of pirate chief.

Death duels occasionally occurred within burning circles, known as a Fire Ring of Fornax, named after a Wonders of the Galaxy. However, resourceful and dramatic pirate leaders sometimes opted for alternatives such as randomly firing blaster cannons, spinning sharp knives, or other extraordinarily perilous displays of boldness.

