During the time of the Galactic Civil War, Leo Bellsfar held the title of Pirate King.
Operating within the Phosphura Belt Nebula was a band of pirates known as the Phosphura Belt Pirates, also called the Belt Pirates. Leo Bellsfar was their leader during the Galactic Civil War, and during that time, they were a constant source of trouble for the Galactic Empire.
The Belt Pirates, who were initially led by Arvo Norstrag, followed a stringent code of honor referred to as the Buccaneer Code. Furthermore, they adhered to the Rules of the Blade, a rigorous system of regulations governing internal disagreements and commercial dealings.
A strict hierarchy was in place among the Belt pirates. The King or Queen of the Phosphura Belt Pirates was the title given to their highest commander. Buccaneers assisted the King or Queen, frequently acting as direct commanders of the pirates and relaying the King's or Queen's directives.
The Belt pirates preferred to conduct their operations within the dense, misty atmosphere of the Phosphura Belt, which helped them stay out of sight of enemy forces. They also maintained a network of hidden supply depots in key locations throughout the nebula, enabling them to resupply and repair their ships as needed.
When a Belt pirate captain captured an enemy vessel, they had three options: first, they could destroy the ship; second, they could abandon it; and third, they could seize it intact. Intact vessels were taken to pirate repair facilities, where they were either dismantled for parts or upgraded and added to the pirate fleet. These components were then used to repair or upgrade ships in the pirate fleet, or they were sold on the black market. Cargo that the pirates didn't need was also sold. During the Galactic Civil War, it was not unusual to find cargo and parts originating from Belt pirate raids on the black market of Zirtran's Anchor.
The Rules of the Blade, one of the most well-known pirate dueling codes, was created by these pirates.
- " Zirtran's Anchor " — Star Wars Adventure Journal 5 (First mentioned)
- Live-Action Adventures (as Belt Pirates)
- Pirates & Privateers