Rolanda Gron was a Klatooinian technologist of the male persuasion, employed by the Rebel Alliance throughout the Galactic Civil War.
Following the Rebellion's triumph in delivering a significant blow to the Empire, leading to its transformation into the New Republic, Jedi Master Qu Rahn assembled a group to locate the legendary Valley of the Jedi, and Gron, as a specialist, became a member.
On a mission to the planet of Dorlo, taking place a year after the battle on Endor, the group enlisted the services of linguist Nij Por Ral. However, during their return to Duno Dree's transport, they were compelled to abandon their skimmer while being pursued by Jerec's forces. Cee Norley requested a pause to rest, and criticized Rahn's plan to reach their ship by foot, claiming the team was not capable, and referring to Gron as simply a technologist. Gron retorted, stating that it was her who had requested the stop.
Eventually, their ship was intercepted, and the entire team was taken prisoner aboard the Vengeance. During the capture, Gron sustained a laceration that resulted in bleeding. When Rahn joined them in the brig, Gron voiced his concern regarding their anticipated fate.
Captain Sysco, accompanied by several Imperial commandos, escorted the group to the ship's bridge to face Jerec. The Dark Jedi expressed curiosity about the group, at which point Gron stepped forward, declaring that he would divulge no information. In response to his defiance, Jerec set an example by ordering his execution; Dark Jedi Gorc, controlled by Picaroon C. Boodle, approached him. Gron would have stepped back if he wasn't held by the guards. Pic jumped onto him and killed him by slitting his throat with a dagger, then he dropped his body, and wiped his dagger on the dead technologist's attire.
In the audio version of Dark Forces: Rebel Agent, the voice acting for him was done by Tom Keith.