Cee Norley

title: Cee Norley

A female Human [Rebel](/article/alliance_to_restore_the_republic/legends], Cee Norley received her training from Tech Sergeant Hooly.


Norley, Cee, was an expert in weaponry. She had recollections of her mother wearing delicate scarves during her childhood. Tech Sergeant Hooly provided her training, emphasizing the importance of focusing on the target during aiming and disregarding distractions. Furthermore, she participated in numerous live-fire exercises.

In 5 ABY, she journeyed to Dorlo alongside Jedi Master Qu Rahn with the purpose of fetching Nij Por Ral. During this endeavor, their pilot and comrade Duno Dree developed an attraction towards her.

When they were escaping on their skimmer, Jerec's forces intervened, prompting Rahn to suggest they proceed on foot. The pursuers were under the command of Jerec's apprentices, who were guided by Dark Jedi Maw who was sensing their fear. Norley was always equipped with a pair of missile launchers; although she possessed the most military experience, the arduous journey exhausted her to the point of demanding a halt. The group sought refuge among the trees. Norley voiced her disapproval of Rahn's strategy, noting that "Druno" was too inexperienced, Nij Por Ral was a scholar, and Rolanda Gron was merely a technologist.

Norley concurred with Rahn's strategy to remain behind and create a diversion. She then ambushed the approaching Imperial skimmer utilizing her launchers. Sariss, a Dark Jedi, briefly detected her presence, but Maw's failure to sense her in waiting led Sariss to believe their attacker had been trained by Rahn to master their fear.

She successfully destroyed one of the skimmers, the one transporting twenty Stormtroopers. As she readied the remaining tube, aiming it at the other skimmer carrying the Dark Jedi, it rapidly approached her. She attempted to dismiss a strange sensation on her shoulder and neck, which turned out to be a Force choke. Before she could fire at the skimmer, Cee dropped the launcher, frantically grasping at her throat, only to be fatally shot through the chest with a blaster by Sariss. Her Dark Jedi colleague Yun, continued to fire at her, consumed by rage that anyone would dare to ambush Dark Jedi.

Behind the scenes

Virginia Burke provided the voice for her in the audio drama adaptation of Dark Forces: Rebel Agent.

