
Nokk, a Trandoshan female, plied her trade as a hunter alongside her husband, Winloss. Within her clan, Nokk demonstrated exceptional hunting prowess, catching the eye of her elders who recognized her potential. However, during her rite of passage, the hunt leader Skikkesk commanded her to kill and skin a young Wookiee, a task Nokk refused, leading to the decimation of her family line. Nokk barely escaped with her life, vowing to embrace non-violence, choosing to capture rather than kill her prey. While working as a trapper, Nokk developed feelings for the human Winloss, and they decided to collaborate as hunters.

Doctor Chelli Aphra, an archaeologist, hired her and Winloss as part of a plan to avoid being devoured by the Shadowfang Beast on X3-299-11. Though they survived, Aphra abandoned them before they received payment. Later, Doctor Cornelius Evazan, in disguise, offered them a new assignment: to destroy the assassin droid 0-0-0. Initially hesitant, Nokk changed her mind when she discovered Aphra was with the droid, accepting the offer. She and Winloss located their targets on Milvayne, where they were being hunted by the undead vigilante Tam Posla.

Although Aphra and Triple-Zero briefly evaded capture, the hunters eventually ensnared them in a trap. Before Nokk and Winloss could transport their prisoners, the Coalition for Progress, reacting to the chaos caused by the chase, bombarded the city, forcing the hunters to flee from their crashing starship. Nokk and Winloss tracked Aphra down, but opted to spare her, believing she was already inflicting enough harm on herself. With assistance from the cyberneticist Professor Prexo, the hunters located the source of Evazan's broadcast through Triple-Zero's photoreceptors, capturing him instead.

Nokk and Winloss later completed a task for Aphra in exchange for information on Skikkesk's whereabouts. The hunters collaborated with the bounty hunter Krrsantan to manipulate Shrem, a bartender at Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina on Tatooine who had previously betrayed Aphra, into revealing Skikkesk's location and provoking the local crime lord Jabba the Hutt. Their scheme succeeded, allowing Nokk to avenge herself against Skikkesk for ruining her life.


Early life

Nokk hunting as part of her coming-of-age ceremony.

In her clan, Nokk was a promising young Trandoshan, who eventually underwent her coming-of-age ceremony, orchestrated by the hunt leader Skikkesk. During her hunt, Nokk showed excellence in trapping, and exceeded all expectations in the chase portion. Her skills thrilled her elders, who considered Nokk to be a beacon of hope for their clan. However, Skikkesk, envious of Nokk, assigned her a final task: to kill and skin a baby Wookiee. As Skikkesk anticipated, Nokk couldn't fulfill the request, thus failing the test. As a consequence, Nokk was banished, and Skikkesk oversaw the elimination of her brood line. Nokk managed to flee, but many of her sisters perished.

For a number of years, Nokk earned a living as a trapper, accumulating some credits. Due to her past trauma, Nokk declined to kill any innocent creature, but her principles hindered her from achieving significant success. Eventually, she encountered the human Winloss, and they fell in love and eventually married. During the reign of the Galactic Empire, Nokk and Winloss accepted jobs as monster hunters in the galactic underworld, hoping to gain the attention of King Prana and surpass Squoxx to become the king's top hunters. At one point, Winloss paid a promiscuous tutorial droid on Tatooine to learn pickpocketing techniques, which annoyed Nokk.

Hired by Aphra

Temple infiltration

Around 1 ABY, while Doctor Chelli Aphra, an archaeologist, was swallowed alive by the Shadowfang Beast during an attempt to steal an idol from a temple on the planet X3-299-11, she hired a group of hunters to subdue the beast and facilitate her escape. After all the previous hunters were either killed or fatally injured while trying to reach the beast, Aphra contacted Winloss, offering them the job. Nokk and Winloss traveled to the remote planet, reaching the entrance to the temple. Aphra contacted the two hunters via hologram, falsely claiming she represented someone who wanted the beast subdued and kept alive. Despite Nokk's suspicion of Aphra's trustworthiness, she accepted the job, and she and Winloss entered the temple.

Nokk saves Winloss from the spears.

As Nokk and Winloss proceeded, they debated which weapons to use, becoming distracted. Aphra, via the holoprojector, warned the hunters to duck. Nokk jumped at Winloss, pushing them both out of the way of a barrage of spears that were launched at them. Winloss noticed the corpse of the hunter Ro Thran, who had been killed by the spears some time prior. Nokk seized the holoprojector, demanding Aphra explain how she predicted the trap. After the hunters avoided several more spears, Aphra revealed information about the temple, including the idol she had secretly attempted to steal, along with the numerous traps and the beast guarding it. Nokk was distracted by one such trap, the Vortex of Fiery Dematerialization, which Aphra warned her to avoid looking at. Winloss pulled Nokk away from the object, and Aphra continued guiding them through the temple.

Facing the beast

Winloss spotted what he believed to be the idol, wanting to take it, but Nokk refused, insisting they finish the job and maintain their reputation. Winloss protested, but Nokk persuaded him to continue doing what they believed was right. Aphra, unable to hear or see them as the holoprojector was closed, informed them that the nearby idol was a fake, and that it would activate a tractor beam device. Looking up, the hunters saw Trapper Pehk stuck on the device, who warned them not to trust Aphra. Aphra told them they were standing in one of the Shadowfang Beast's feeding areas, and Nokk turned to see the beast approaching. She demanded her Vr'gedian tranquilizer harpoon from Winloss, who tried to convince her to use alternative weapons before also spotting the creature.

Nokk attacks the Shadowfang Beast.

Nokk grabbed the harpoon from Winloss and lunged at the beast, but the weapon shattered upon impact with its scales, and the creature threw Nokk aside. Winloss fired at the creature with his blaster, but the blast only charged its resonance-absorptive shield, causing it to jump up, swallow Trapper Pehk, and retreat into a cave. Winloss rushed to Nokk, checking if she was hurt. Learning she was okay, Winloss turned to Aphra's hologram, demanding the truth. Aphra hesitated, but Nokk interrupted, realizing they weren't the first hunters Aphra had hired. Aphra explained that with all their competition gone, they could become the top hunters in their region, a notion Nokk disliked.

As they overcame more traps, Winloss inquired about what happened when he shot at the creature, but Aphra ignored him, warning them about more spears. Nokk, tired of Aphra's evasiveness, caught a spear that flew at her, demanding she answer Winloss' question. Aphra explained the nature of the Shadowfang Beast, accidentally revealing she had personally observed the creature, but warned them about several thermodrones before Nokk could question her further. Winloss destroyed the thermodrones, repeating Nokk's question, but Aphra lied, telling them to continue their journey. The hunters stumbled upon the beast's lair, noticing the real idol was missing. Aphra told them that several of the other hunters had been attacked at that point, and as she spoke, the creature emerged. Aphra suggested they run, but Nokk refused, pushing Winloss out of the beast's path and into a cavern where they found Squoxx, King Prana's current best hunter and their main rival.

The truth revealed

The Shadowfang Beast is subdued by Nokk.

Squoxx pleaded with the two hunters, asking them to kill the beast and take him back to King Prana, claiming they would be rewarded. Nokk noticed Squoxx's lekku had been bitten off, and that he would die within an hour. Speaking quietly with Winloss, she suggested using Squoxx as bait for the creature, and they tied him up, throwing him back into the beast's lair. However, the Shadowfang Beast didn't take the bait, leading Nokk to deduce it was blind and relied solely on hearing to navigate the caverns. As a distraction, she asked Winloss to loudly run in the opposite direction, diverting the beast so she could sneak up behind it and subdue it with an electro cudgel.

Observing that the creature's scales were broken from her harpoon strike, Nokk jumped onto the Shadowfang Beast, hitting the exposed skin with the cudgel. The strike successfully knocked the beast unconscious, and the hunters demanded their payment from Aphra. Attempting to manipulate them into killing the subdued beast, Aphra refused to pay them. Angered, Nokk threatened to kill the creature with a crossbow. Aphra taunted Nokk and her ethics, claiming she couldn't. Nokk handed the crossbow to Winloss, asking him to do it, but he also couldn't bring himself to do it, throwing the crossbow behind him. Squoxx, still lying on the ground, caught it and shot the Shadowfang Beast, killing it at the same time as he died.

With the beast dead, Aphra shot her way out of the creature, revealing she had been inside it the entire time. As she removed the null suit that had allowed her to survive being eaten, Nokk realized she had hired hunters to subdue the beast because blasters would cause its shield discharge to kill her. Aphra escaped the cave with a jetpack, leaving Nokk and Winloss behind. Once Aphra was gone, Nokk suggested dedicating her life to revenge, but Winloss revealed he had stolen the idol from her using the pickpocketing skills he had learned. Nokk tried to express her love for Winloss, but was speechless. Winloss reassured her he knew what she was trying to say, and the two hunters left the cave.

A chance for revenge

An unexpected reminder

Nokk walks away, declining the job offer by a disguised Cornelius Evazan.

Around 1 ABY, Nokk and Winloss received another job offer, supposedly from Princess Leia Organa of the Rebel Alliance, unaware that "Organa" was actually the insane scientist Doctor Cornelius Evazan disguised with a pluripleq. As they docked their ship with Evazan's, Nokk was skeptical about the legitimacy of their client. Winloss, however, was confident, so the two hunters met with "Organa". In disguise, Evazan requested they hunt down and destroy the Triple-Zero protocol personality matrix within the assassin droid 0-0-0, claiming it was an enemy of the Rebellion. As a hunter of creatures rather than a killer, Nokk refused, still suspecting "Organa" wasn't who she claimed to be.

As she turned to leave, she noticed the viewscreen Evazan had been watching, displaying a live feed from 0-0-0's photoreceptors. Visible on the screen was Doctor Aphra, whom Evazan had linked to the droid via proximity bombs, forcing them to stay together after escaping the Imperial wreckage-prison Accresker Jail. Both Nokk and Winloss recognized the archaeologist who had almost gotten them killed, and Nokk was angered by the sight of her. "Organa" offered them a new deal, instructing them to only incapacitate 0-0-0 but to kill Aphra. Winloss and Nokk accepted immediately, leaving the ship to begin their hunt. As they departed, Evazan removed his disguise, expressing his lack of confidence in the hunters' success.

Hunting on Milvayne

Nokk stabs Tam Posla.

The hunters traveled to the planet Milvayne, where Aphra and Triple-Zero were being confronted by the bounty hunter Tam Posla, whose corpse had been reanimated by Force-powered gundravian hookspores that were also present on Accresker Jail. Winloss suggested using thermal flechettes, but Nokk instead used her Vr'gedian tranquilizer harpoon to impale Posla. While Winloss expressed his disappointment at not using his preferred weapon, and Nokk disagreed, Aphra recognized the hunters with dismay.

As Nokk and Winloss continued arguing, Aphra recalled their policy of non-lethality, claiming she and Triple-Zero would be safe. However, when the hunters confronted Aphra, Winloss falsely claimed she had been pointing a blaster at them, and that shooting her would thus be self-defense. Nokk asked Winloss for their ion-net launcher, to disable Triple-Zero, but Winloss believed he should be the one to use it. They turned to notice Triple-Zero's fellow assassin droid BT-1, who had been reprogrammed by Posla, about to fire at them. Winloss threw himself and Nokk out of the way, and the two used the ion-net to disable the BT-1 assassin droid, diving aside before he could fire again.

Aphra and Triple-Zero escaped while the hunters were distracted, and Evazan confirmed his doubts about their abilities. Wanting the chase to be more exciting, Evazan broadcast a message across Milvayne City, offering a bounty for the capture or death of Aphra and Triple-Zero. Nokk and Winloss left in search of their targets once again, taking the deactivated BT-1 with them. Posla, once again revived by the hookspores, pulled Nokk's tranquilizer harpoon out from himself, throwing it aside and resuming his hunt. Posla successfully captured Aphra and Triple-Zero with the help of Vulaada Klam, but Aphra managed to turn the Milvayne Authority officers against him and escaped to a fuelstop, where she repaired Triple-Zero, who had been shot in two by Klam.

Chase through the city

Nokk watches Aphra and Triple-Zero escape on a freighter.

Simultaneously, Nokk and Winloss devised a plan to catch her and end the chase. When Triple-Zero was repaired, Nokk threw another tranquilizer harpoon at the two fugitives, narrowly missing Aphra, who Triple-Zero grabbed before leaping aside and catching onto a passing freighter. Nokk pursued them through the air with a jetpack, firing stun shots in their direction. She threw a harpoon between Triple-Zero and Aphra, separating them. As she leapt at them with another harpoon, she was abruptly thrown to the side, where she seemingly disappeared. Triple-Zero, noticing Beetee on a nearby starship, leapt across to see him, followed by Aphra. However, Beetee was still disabled due to the hunters' ion-net, and had been placed on the craft as a trap. Winloss, piloting his and Nokk's starship, activated a cage that surrounded the fugitives, trapping them.

Nokk returned to the speeder, acknowledging the success of their plan, and the hunters went on their way to get paid. Unbeknownst to her and Winloss, Aphra and Triple-Zero's capture angered the viewers of the feed from the droid's eyes, who had come to support them in the chase. Captain Okma of the Galactic Empire's Coalition for Progress, from his flagship Enduring Pride, was ordered to quell the unrest, firing down into the city. Winloss noticed the rail gun fire, and Nokk tried to maneuver the ship to avoid it, but the resulting explosion destroyed one of the engines. As the ship crashed, Nokk and Winloss ejected, leaving their captives trapped in the falling vehicle.

Ending the hunt

Nokk hits Aphra with a tranquilizer harpoon.

Aphra and Triple-Zero both survived the crash, but were captured by Captain Okma. Aphra used a seismic pulse she had secretly built into Triple-Zero to incapacitate both the Imperials and herself. Triple-Zero, who remained active, acquired codes from torturing Okma, using them to show Aphra a hologram that confirmed the survival, and defection, of former Imperial Captain-Inspector Magna Tolvan, whom Aphra hadn't heard from after previously using her to escape the Sith Lord Darth Vader on Accresker Jail. In return, Aphra allowed Triple-Zero to access the memories of his former self. While the assassin droid was offline, the hunters caught up to Aphra, and Nokk struck the archaeologist over the head with a tranquilizer harpoon. Both Winloss and Nokk aimed blasters at Aphra, threatening to kill her.

However, having watched the feed from Triple-Zero's eyes and witnessing Aphra realize the droid was the closest thing she had to a companion, the hunters disdainfully pitied her. Nokk, feeling Aphra's situation was pathetic, reminded Aphra of how she had used them, shaming her for her selfishness. Believing Aphra was causing more damage to herself than revenge ever could, the hunters turned and walked away. As they left, Aphra insulted them for being used, correctly guessing they had fallen for Evazan's disguise. Nokk stopped when Aphra claimed they wouldn't be able to track Evazan down if they wanted to, but she was dragged away by Winloss, who told his wife to ignore her.

One step ahead

The hunters confront Cornelius Evazan, accompanied by Professor Prexo.

Challenging Aphra's remark and believing Evazan wouldn't have paid them, Nokk and Winloss set out to find him. To do so, they located the same cyberneticist Aphra and Triple-Zero were seeking, Professor Prexo, who traced the broadcast signal to where Evazan was hiding.

The hunters apprehended the scientist and his associate Ponda Baba, also deactivating the bombs that had been implanted into Aphra and Triple-Zero. As the hunters took Evazan and Baba away, intending to hand them over to authorities, Nokk requested Prexo disable the broadcast feed, wishing to never see Aphra again.

Working with Aphra

A new arrangement

Nokk and Winloss allow Shrem to overhear Aphra's message.

Nokk's contentment, however, was short-lived. After the events that transpired on Milvayne, Aphra made contact with Nokk and Winloss. Aphra had since managed to gain the Emperor's favor, securing a position aboard the Executor, the leading ship of Darth Vader, the Sith Lord. In her communication with the hunters, Aphra stated her desire to repay them for sparing her life and revealed she had discovered the planet where Skikkesk was located. Aphra, seeking vengeance on Shrem, a former associate who had collaborated with Skikkesk to betray her, formulated a strategy for the hunters to collaborate with the bounty hunter Krrsantan and manipulate Shrem into betraying Skikkesk.

Inside Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina on Tatooine, where Shrem worked as a mixologist, Nokk and Winloss made sure he overheard Aphra's message about Skikkesk. As part of Aphra's scheme, Winloss entrusted Shrem with a spitscuttle, a small creature that plagued Imperial starfleets, claiming he had captured it on Tatooine and that Nokk wanted it alive. After the hunters departed the establishment, with Nokk planning to intimidate local Imperial soldiers, Krrsantan arrived, asserting that Winloss's creature was a rare and valuable variant of the Tatooine sand scurrier.

Delivering a message

Nokk attacks Skikkesk.

Later, the hunters returned, and Nokk demanded that Winloss take back the "scurrier." Shrem, who had arranged to sell the creature to Krrsantan, feigned wanting to keep it as a pet. In exchange for the creature, Shrem revealed Skikkesk's whereabouts, betraying his former ally for the credits he thought he would gain.

Nokk and Winloss left the cantina to track down Skikkesk elsewhere on Tatooine. The hunters ambushed the Trandoshan and his team, allowing Black Krrsantan to capture Skikkesk himself. Shrem then chose to sell the creature to Jabba the Hutt, expecting the criminal overlord to pay a substantial sum for it. However, the hunters and Krrsantan confronted Shrem at Jabba's Palace, where Nokk delivered Aphra's message to the bartender. Despite discovering an incapacitated Skikkesk inside the palace, Shrem attempted to sell the creature to Jabba, who discovered it was worthless. As Shrem and Skikkesk were dropped into the Hutt's rancor pit, Nokk and Winloss departed the palace, with Winloss suggesting they continue collaborating with Krrsantan.

Personality and traits

Nokk could not force herself to take an innocent creature's life.

Nokk was a Trandoshan female with verdant skin and yellow orbs. While her kind was known for their penchant for violent hunts, Nokk held different principles, even refusing to kill when her position in her clan depended on it. Nokk's history led her to swear to never kill any innocent creature during her career as a hunter. She was disgusted by the sight of the dead Shadowfang Beast, even though it had almost killed both her and Winloss. Despite this, she had no qualms about ending the life of any sapient being who had chosen to risk it, doing so when using a dying Squoxx as bait.

After Doctor Aphra betrayed her, Nokk briefly considered seeking revenge, and later eagerly accepted a job offer from Evazan, as it involved killing her. However, she ultimately abandoned the job, claiming that Aphra had already caused enough damage to herself. When Nokk realized that Evazan would have betrayed them by not paying a reward, she decided to track him down for revenge before Aphra could. She later chose to assist Aphra with a favor, partially because she had the chance to hunt down her former tormentor.

Nokk aimed to appear professional while hunting but was annoyed when Winloss introduced them as such. As a Trandoshan, she often displayed hostility towards humans and even found it challenging to show kindness to her husband, Winloss. During the hunting mission assigned by Aphra, Nokk managed to deduce several of the real details of Aphra's plan, leading Aphra to call her a "smart scalie," and also saw through Evazan's disguise when he hired them to hunt Aphra.

Skills and abilities

Nokk's abilities as a young Trandoshan impressed her clan, and she excelled in her coming-of-age ceremonial hunt. She used her skills to take jobs as a trapper and hunter, though she did not kill innocent creatures. Winloss claimed that she was "the best," a reputation that Nokk wanted to maintain. She was able to incapacitate the deadly Shadowfang Beast, a feat that none of the other hunters hired by Aphra managed to do. Nokk was skilled with the use of Vr'gedian tranquilizer harpoons, utilizing them multiple times with precision. She intentionally missed her throws when chasing Aphra and Triple-Zero on Milvayne, intending to lead them into a trap. Nokk also had quick reflexes, able to swiftly dodge or catch spears that were shot at her in the temple on X3-299-11.


Nokk while on X3-299-11.

Nokk employed several non-lethal weapons, such as tranquilizer harpoons and electro cudgels, weapons that would leave no lasting damage on creatures that she used them on. While she had her own blaster, which she kept holstered on her hip, she was given a NN-14 blaster pistol by Winloss when confronting Aphra but never actually used it. She once again used a NN-14 blaster pistol when capturing Cornelius Evazan. Nokk utilized a short blade while attacking Skikkesk and his crew.

On Milvayne, she used a jetpack along with her blaster, but only fired stun shots. She and Winloss also utilized a starship, which was later destroyed when the Coalition for Progress fired on Milvayne City. She wore purple body armor and a torn yellow cape.

Behind the scenes

Nokk made her first appearance in the second Annual of the 2016 Star Wars: Doctor Aphra illustrated story series, penned by Si Spurrier, with illustrations by Caspar Wijngaard, and released by Marvel Comics on September 5, 2018. When creating Nokk and Winloss, Spurrier mentioned that he liked the concept of a skilled female lizard giving commands to a clumsy human. In a blog post published after the series concluded, Spurrier included the creation of the interspecies couple that was Winloss and Nokk as one of the stories he was pleased to have been able to tell in Star Wars. Spurrier stated that he hoped to be able to write more stories about Winloss and Nokk, whose characteristics and relationship create characters that are both ridiculous and heartwarming.

