Ro Thran

Ro Thran, a Gran male, made his living as a mercenary hunter. On one occasion, he successfully captured a male krykna for the Tyn Syndicate. Later, he joined a group of hunters hired by the archeologist Doctor Chelli Aphra circa 1 ABY. Aphra had been consumed whole by the Shadowfang Beast that guarded a temple on the planet X3-299-11. Her goal was for the hunter to restrain and subsequently kill the beast, allowing her to escape from its stomach. However, Thran met his end when he triggered a booby trap within the temple, resulting in multiple spears being launched into him, securing the Gran to a wall. Subsequently, the hunters Nokk and Winloss came across Thran's deceased body, but Aphra asserted that he must have been employed by a different party with the intention of capturing the beast. Thran possessed black eyes and pink skin. At the time he died, he was wearing red armor over a black shirt and blue pants.

Behind the scenes

Ro Thran's corpse was featured in Doctor Aphra Annual 2, penned by Simon Spurrier and published in 2018.

