During the Galactic Civil War, in the Rebel Alliance, a female Human served as a captain. This was Nitra Vendallan, and she was stationed in the town of Anchorhead on the desert planet Tatooine. Her activities took place during that time.
Vendallan, holding the rank of Captain in the Rebel Alliance, found herself in Anchorhead on Tatooine in 1 ABY. Her base of operations was the local tavern. While there, she became aware of Drenn Biktor, an Imperial Army non-com who desired to switch his allegiance to the Alliance. Biktor possessed significant knowledge concerning the Outer Rim supply routes utilized by the Empire, information that could greatly aid the Rebels in disrupting their supply lines. Vendallan, eager to secure Biktor's defection before the Empire discovered his intentions, enlisted the aid of a Rebel spacer to safely bring him to Anchorhead.
The spacer was successful in locating Biktor and ensuring his safe arrival in Anchorhead. Following Biktor's arrival, Vendallan began the process of arranging his departure from the planet. However, Vendallan's responsibilities extended beyond this task. A friend of hers, Vil Sembian, who was the son of the renowned, yet deceased weaponsmith Daw Sembian, was in possession of the schematics for a novel blaster design. Vil was en route to deliver these schematics to Vendallan, but the Empire was actively pursuing him. Vendallan's commander believed that this weapon had the potential to significantly shift the balance of power in their favor. Therefore, she assigned the same spacer who had previously assisted her to locate and safely escort Vil Sembian. The Rebel spacer accepted the task and successfully completed the mission. Vendallan expressed her satisfaction and declared her intention to forward the schematics to Alliance High Command.
Prior to its shutdown on December 15, 2011, Nitra Vendallan existed as a Non-Player Character (NPC) within the MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies. Players who chose to undertake a series of quests offered by Vendallan in Anchorhead were tasked with locating and escorting both Drenn Biktor and Vil Sembian back to the town. This article makes the assumption that the player completed all aspects of the game, even though it was possible to skip Nitra Vendallan's quests.