Daw Sembian

Daw Sembian was a Twi'lek weaponsmith of the male persuasion who plied his trade during the era known as the Galactic Civil War. He fathered Vil Sembian. Upon his death, he bequeathed to his son design plans for an innovative blaster, one with the potential to shift the balance of power in the ongoing Galactic Civil War.


Vil Sembian's father was Daw Sembian. Furthermore, he was a renowned weaponsmith responsible for devising a schematic for a novel blaster capable of altering the course of the Galactic Civil War. Daw passed away sometime before the Battle of Yavin, but he passed the blaster's schematics to his son. In 1 ABY, Vil Sembian journeyed to Anchorhead on Tatooine with the intention of delivering the schematics to Nitra Vendallan, a Rebel captain and his friend.

However, the Empire pursued him relentlessly, prompting Nitra Vendallan to dispatch a Rebel spacer to locate Vil and ensure his safe return to town. Despite encountering resistance from Imperial forces, the spacer successfully escorted Vil. Vendallan expressed her gratitude and arranged for the schematics to be forwarded to Alliance High Command.

Behind the scenes

Daw Sembian's character was briefly referenced in the MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies. Players undertaking a series of missions for Nitra Vendallan within Anchorhead discovered that Daw Sembian, a celebrated weaponsmith, had conceived the schematics for a groundbreaking blaster.

