Neshei sector

The Neshei sector was a part of the Outer Expansion Zone area, which itself was a sub-region of the larger Expansion Region. As of 0 ABY, it shared borders with the Mondress and Vardoss sectors in the spinward direction, Hijoian Space Coreward, and the Carvandir and Sarla sectors in the trailing direction. Toward the Rimward direction, this sector defined the Expansion Region's border with the Mid Rim, specifically adjacent to the Jalor and Outer Jalor sectors. By 12 ABY, these borders remained unchanged, and the sector was located within space controlled by the New Republic.

The Neshei system was located within the Neshei sector, positioned along a hyperlane that connected the Dorin system in the Deadalis sector with the Vardoss system in the Vardoss sector.

Behind the scenes

The reference book The Essential Guide to Warfare, written by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart, first established the Neshei sector in 2012.


  • Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion on (article) (backup link)
  • The Essential Guide to Warfare (First mentioned)

Notes and references
