Hijoian Space

Hijoian Space, a sector located within the Expansion Region, was an area of space. This region housed the Hijoian system, featuring both the planet Hijo and the Hijoian Docks, as well as the space station called Ichalin Station. In the year 2 ABY, the Rebel Alliance and the terrorist group led by Yansan both had operations within Hijoian Space, with Yansan's actions posing a considerable danger to the Alliance. A decade later, Hijoian Space became integrated into the New Republic.


The Expansion Region included a sector known as Hijoian Space. Around 0 ABY, its borders adjoined the Vardoss sector towards the Rimward direction, the freestanding subsectors of the Expansion Region spinward, and the Neshei and Sarla sectors in the trailing direction. Furthermore, the sector contributed to the Coreward boundary of the Expansion Region with the Inner Rim. These boundaries remained unchanged twelve years later. Within the sector was the Hijoian system, home to both the celestial body Hijo and the space station named the Hijoian Docks, along with another star system that contained Ichalin Station.


The terrorist Yansan operated in Hijoian Space.

2 ABY saw significant activity by the Rebel Alliance within Hijoian Space. Around this time, the Ho'Din terrorist named Yansan was also active in the sector, frequently sabotaging Alliance starships, including those at Ichalin Station and the Hijoian Docks.

The Rebel Task Force on Alliance Security eventually created a SecuriDex datafile about Yansan, highlighting the threat the Ho'Din posed to Alliance operations in Hijoian Space. The datafile assessed Yansan as a significant threat both in that sector and the adjacent Mid Rim regions. By 12 ABY, Hijoian Space was incorporated into the New Republic.

Behind the scenes

The first mention of Hijoian Space occurred in Alliance Intelligence Reports, a 1995 sourcebook for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game by West End Games. A visual representation of Hijoian Space was provided on a map by Modi in the 2012 reference book The Essential Guide to Warfare.

The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, a 2008 reference book, placed both the Hijoian Docks and Ichalin Station within the Fakir sector. However, the Online Companion on StarWars.com for The Essential Atlas (2009 reference book) superseded the former book's information by locating the star systems containing the Hijoian Docks and Ichalin Station in Hijoian Space, while placing the Fakir sector in the Colonies.


  • Alliance Intelligence Reports (First mentioned)
  • Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion on StarWars.com (article) (backup link)
  • The Essential Guide to Warfare

Notes and references
