
Nazzer served as a bounty hunter employed by the Crimson Nova throughout the Clone Wars period.


In 22 BBY, during a battle on Null, Nazzer, together with a group of other bounty hunters, launched an assault on T'ra Saa and Barriss Offee as they were in the process of tending to injured friars. Nazzer and his team successfully eliminated multiple Jedi and seized T'ra Saa's lightsaber. After claiming the lightsaber, Nazzer departed the area and traveled to the Rig space station in the Steness knot to collect his payment from the bounty hunter Mika. He presented T'ra Saa's lightsaber as evidence of his successful Jedi hunt.

The Jedi Order, unwilling to accept the bounty hunters' guild offering a reward, dispatched Mace Windu, Saesee Tiin, Agen Kolar, and Kit Fisto to the Crimson Nova space station. Their mission was to apprehend the client who hired the bounty hunters and bring them to Coruscant. Upon learning of the Jedi's impending attack, Mika placed the rig on high alert and doubled the bounty placed on the Jedi. When Nazzer encountered Mace Windu in the station's hangar, he attempted to assassinate the Jedi Master in order to secure the reward, but he was ultimately killed by Windu's lightsaber.

