Battle of Null (Crimson Nova)

The battle on Null transpired during the era of the Clone Wars after the planet of Null declared its allegiance to the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

Back in 22 BBY, the planet Null had transformed into a contested area between the forces of the Republic and the Separatists. A medical unit, supervised by Jedi healers, was established behind the Republic's front lines, but it was on the verge of being overwhelmed by the approaching enemy.

The conflict

Barriss Offee defending her patients.

While in the process of tending to wounded clone troopers and Jedi, T'ra Saa and Barriss Offee found themselves ambushed by bounty hunters employed by the Crimson Nova division of the Bounty Hunters' Guild. These hunters, utilizing speeder bikes, initiated an attack on the Jedi, resulting in casualties and igniting the surrounding forest. During the engagement, T'ra Saa's lightsaber was dislodged from her grasp and seized by Nazzer, a hunter previously encountered by Offee and her mentor Luminara Unduli, who subsequently retreated from the spreading flames. Facing no other recourse against the inferno, Saa employed the Force to topple trees onto the survivors, effectively isolating them from the encroaching fire.

A subsequent rainfall extinguished the blaze, and Mace Windu arrived at the location to extract the remaining individuals. He discovered Offee, the clone soldiers, and an unconscious Saa, who had sustained injuries during her heroic efforts to safeguard the group. Windu swiftly transported her, along with Offee, to a waiting gunship, withdrawing as Separatist forces were observed advancing towards their position. The Jedi Healer provided Windu with details regarding the unexpected skirmish, prompting the Jedi Master to decide to bring an end to the Crimson Nova's operations through a mission to the Rig, their central headquarters.

Behind the curtain

Although the 2004 Dark Horse Comics publication Republic 65 initially placed the battle of Null as occurring seventeen months following the Battle of Geonosis, adjustments to the Clone Wars timeline, as a result of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars multimedia project, shifted the battle's occurrence to 22 BBY.

