The Namadii Corridor represented a hyperspace route that stretched from the planet of Coruscant, situated within the Interior and [Core Worlds](/article/core_worlds] territories of the galaxy, to the astronomical object Namadii, found in the Mid Rim Territories. Along its trajectory, it traversed the Colonies, Inner Rim, and Expansion Region, featuring intersections with various other routes, notably the Corellian Run and the Perlemian Trade Route.
As a hyperspace route, the Namadii Corridor had one end at the galactic capital of Coruscant, located in the Coruscant system within the Corusca sector's [Coruscant subsector](/article/coruscant_subsector] in [the Interior](/article/the_interior] and Core Worlds regions of the galaxy. From this point, it established connections to the astronomical objects Pantolomin and Borleias of the Borleias system, both of which also resided within the Core Worlds, and subsequently to the astronomical object Palanhi in the Colonies.
Subsequently, the route made its way into the Inner Rim, passing through the astronomical objects Marquinn, the gas giant Pheryon, and the world of Bilbringi. Upon entering the Expansion Region, it established a link to Dorin, the homeworld of the Kel Dor, before ultimately entering the Mid Rim Territories and proceeding through Glee Anselm, the Nautolan homeworld situated within the Jalor sector's Jalor system, followed by the planet Ansion, and finally reaching its other terminus at the astronomical object Namadii. On the Standard Galactic Grid, the Namadii Corridor's path intersected squares K-10, K-9, K-8, J-8, J-7, I-7, and I-6.
Coruscant acted as a hub, connecting the Namadii Corridor to the Corellian Run, Metellos Trade Route, Perlemian Trade Route, Stassia Alley, and the Koros Trunk Line, a component of the larger Nexus Route. A route also extended from Coruscant to Chandrila, a planet in the Core Worlds, with another route looping back from Chandrila to intersect with the Namadii Corridor at Pantolomin. Palanhi functioned as a junction between the Corridor and the Shwuy Exchange, Dorin connected to the [Celanon Spur](/article/celanon_spur], and Ansion linked to a route that eventually led to the world of Benath.
Within the current Star Wars canon, the Namadii Corridor was initially depicted in the eighteenth edition of the Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon magazine, which was released around May 6 of 2015. Its initial identification occurred in Collapse of the Republic, a 2019 Star Wars Roleplaying supplement published by Fantasy Flight Games.
The Namadii Corridor has its roots in the Star Wars Legends continuity, making its debut in the 2000 novel The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos I: Hero's Trial, penned by James Luceno. It was subsequently portrayed for the first time in The Essential Atlas, a 2009 reference book authored by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry.