The Shwuy Exchange represented a hyperspace route situated in the Colonies region, connecting the astronomical locations of Uviuy Exen and Vakkar. Originating from Uviuy Exen, which was positioned on the Hydian Way super-hyperroute, the pathway extended to the celestial body Mefti and subsequently to the Thrinittik system, home to the Second and Fifth Moon of Thrinittik. From that point, the route proceeded to Palanhi, a junction that linked to the Namadii Corridor, before ultimately reaching Vakkar. This route traversed through squares K-9, K-8, L-8, and L-9 of the Standard Galactic Grid.
The galactic map featured in Fantasy Flight Games' 2016 canon roleplaying supplement, Star Wars: The Force Awakens Beginner Game, was the initial depiction of the Schwuy Exchange. Its identification followed in the article titled Where in the Galaxy Are the Worlds of Rogue One?, which was published on January 31 of 2017.
- Star Wars: The Force Awakens Beginner Game
- Where in the Galaxy Are the Worlds of Rogue One? on (article) (backup link) (First mentioned)
- Star Wars Galaxy Map
- SWCA 2022: 7 Things We Learned from the Lucasfilm Publishing Behind the Page Panel on (backup link)