Mission to Kuras Drift

The joint operation known as the Mission to Kuras Drift was undertaken by the Rebel Alliance with the goal of replenishing the sector fleet's supplies, specifically a new consignment of warheads.

The Mission

As the rebel forces stationed in the Airam sector were experiencing a gradual depletion of their warhead reserves, the offer of resupply from Tamaron was enthusiastically embraced. A small task force consisting of two cargo ferries, accompanied by the light Calamari Cruiser named Condor, was assembled to take delivery of the shipment at the asteroid base designated Attila, situated within the Kuras Drift.

Tamaron held suspicions that Ilay, a rival clan leader known for his allegiance to the Galactic Empire, would disapprove of this course of action. His suspicions were validated when the resupply operation commenced.

While X-wings belonging to Rogue and Gold Squadrons were conducting a patrol around the perimeter, meticulously inspecting the manifests of the arriving freighters for accuracy, unexpected adversaries materialized in the form of T-wing flight Bravo. Despite repeated attempts by the Airam base to establish communication, the T-wings remained unresponsive as they conducted scans of the surrounding area.

Without warning, Bravo Flight initiated an attack on the Airam station, unleashing proton torpedoes upon the facility before the rebel forces could mount a defense. Rogue and Gold Squadrons swiftly engaged the hostile starfighters, successfully eliminating them. Reinforcements for Bravo Flight that arrived on the scene met a similar fate, being promptly shot down.

The situation grew even more precarious with the arrival of Imperial Assault Gunboats, which unleashed a barrage of warheads upon Attila. Amidst the ensuing pandemonium, the final cargo ship expected from Airam, named Lothar, made its appearance—with the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Wasp in relentless pursuit.

The X-wing pilots of Rogue and Gold Squadron successfully repelled the starfighter assaults on the facility and ultimately disabled the Star Destroyer's shields, compelling it to withdraw. However, this relief arrived too late for the corvette Lothar, which succumbed to the warship's devastating turbolaser fire.

The Calamari Cruiser and the Alliance's cargo ferries successfully completed the transfer of their cargo and departed into the safety of hyperspace before Imperial reinforcements could arrive.


Having acquired a fresh supply of warheads, the Alliance to Restore the Republic found themselves in a state of enhanced readiness for future offensive actions against Task Force Vengeance. However, the act of betrayal committed by Ilay resulted in the exposure of numerous Alliance sensor probes within the sector to the Imperial Navy. The subsequent disabling or circumvention of this network left the Rebels without the ability to monitor Imperial movements. Tamaron's informant within Ilay's pirate organization furnished information regarding the traitor, and Tamaron insisted on Ilay's capture. The Rebels yielded to the demands of their newly acquired and vital ally, which ultimately led to the Battle of Aiqin 4.

