Battle of Aiqin 4

The Battle of Aiqin 4 represented an undertaking by the Rebel Alliance. Their goal was to seize Ilay, the head of the Airam clan, as he convened with the Imperial-class Star Destroyer named Rage_.

The Battle

Rogue Squadron and Green Squadron executed a hyperspace jump, arriving in the Aiqin 4 system just as the Dreadnaught-class cruiser Kala'din warped in. However, the Star Destroyer Rage had positioned itself between the Dreadnaught and the Rebel fighters, causing Rogue Squadron to engage the Rage's fighter defenses early. Simultaneously, Green Squadron charged toward the Airam cruiser in their B-wing assault starfighters. Releasing proton torpedoes at both the Dreadnaught and Star Destroyer, the B-wings managed to weaken the Kala'din's shields with relative ease. Green Squadron then proceeded to cripple the ship before redirecting their efforts toward the Rage. Rogue Squadron fought fiercely to repel any attackers that threatened the B-wings during their attack runs. The Rage endured considerable damage from the Slayn & Korpil starfighters, but was ultimately compelled to retreat from the system to avoid catastrophic damage.

In the meantime, the Rogues engaged in combat with both Imperial and Airam starfighters, protecting the Rebel blockade runner Storm as it carried out its boarding mission. Alliance Special Forces successfully battled their way through the disabled Kala'din, capturing Ilay, who was then taken aboard the Storm as a prisoner of the Alliance. Following the successful capture of the Imperial-aligned Airam leader, the Storm departed the system. The tardy arrival of the Super Star Destroyer Vengeance was insufficient to prevent the Rebel corvette from achieving its objective. Once the Storm jumped to hyperspace, Rogue and Green Squadrons disengaged, avoiding further casualties in the face of the rapidly increasing Imperial forces.


The capture of Ilay gave Tamaron, another clan leader, and the Rebel Alliance valuable intel. One crucial piece of information was that conscripts from Ilay's clan, along with fresh supplies, were scheduled to be sent to the Vengeance soon. The Rage's use of TIE/sa bombers without concussion missiles against the rebel starfighter force revealed how dire the supply situation had become for Task Force Vengeance.

Behind the scenes

The name of the Aiqin system is subject to some debate. Star Wars: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter: Balance of Power Campaigns, the video game where this battle is depicted, refers to it as the Aiqin 4 system. This naming convention is somewhat atypical for a star system, which typically contains planets or stars identified by their orbital position or other means, but generally does not include numerals. Furthermore, most numbered celestial bodies within the Star Wars universe employ Roman numerals (e.g., "IV" instead of "4"). The Essential Atlas simply refers to the system as the Aiquin system.

