Lungru's summer palace

The Hutt named Lungru owned a seasonal residence located on the planet called Joodrudda. In the year 19 ABY, the leader of the Anjiliac Hutt clan, Mika, dispatched a pair of Corellian sand panthers to Lungru's palace as a present.


On the planet Joodrudda, which is situated in Wild Space near the Corporate Sector border, stood the seasonal residence of the Hutt Lungru. This expansive structure was the only significant building on the largely uninhabited Joodrudda. A landing pad, located half a kilometer from the residence, provided service to the retreat. Two Hutt caravels in orbit above Joodrudda defended the palace, monitoring all access. Lungru housed her collection of unusual and rare creatures at the retreat, keeping them hidden from environmentalists.


An eccentric Hutt clan erected the palace, which had been on Joodrudda for many centuries. Lungru of the Nokko kajidic used the palace as her summer getaway from at least the early years of the Galactic Empire. A group of Cerean attendants, including her main advisor Kir Sesad, were there to serve her.

To formalize an agreement between their respective kajidics in 19 ABY, Mika, the crime lord of the Anjiliac kajidic, gifted Lungru a pair of Corellian sand panthers to add to her menagerie. Mika employed Jedi Master Mander Zuma and the spacers Reen Irana and Eddey Be'ray to transport the creatures to Lungru at her Joodrudda palace. Subsequently, Mika's agents transported the panthers to Joodrudda and offloaded them at the landing bay that serviced the palace.

Behind the scenes

Jeff Grubb conceived of Lungru's summer palace, which made its debut in Tempest Feud, a roleplaying adventure released on March 1 2002 as a supplement for Wizards of the Coast's Star Wars Roleplaying Game and set within the Star Wars Legends continuity. The palace was later mentioned in the 2008 compendium The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, within the Joodrudda entry, and also appeared in the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas. In Tempest Feud, players roleplay as the agents dispatched by Mika to deliver two Corellian sand panthers to the summer palace, although players can decline the mission and avoid traveling to the palace.

