The Seltiss-2 caravel, frequently called the Hutt caravel or Hutt chariot, represented a luxury vessel produced by Ubrikkian Industries and often favored by the Hutts.

With a price tag exceeding 400,000 credits, the Seltiss-2's interior was lavishly adorned with greel wood and chall-crystal. Despite lacking a hyperdrive, as its usage was confined to routes between Nal Hutta and Nar Shaddaa, it possessed significant sublight drive capabilities.
A common practice among these caravels was the inclusion of hidden weaponry, designed to create a deceptive sense of safety for adversaries. The ship's reinforced front section could be opened to provide a view of the cosmos, and in critical situations, the entire cabin could be jettisoned. Furthermore, the caravel incorporated a galley and four compact quarters for servants, which were non-ejectable.
The Seltiss-1 caravel served as the predecessor to the Seltiss-2, seeing service during the concluding years of the Galactic Republic.