Seltiss-1 caravel

The Seltiss-1 caravel functioned as a transport ship for the Hutt species.


The Seltiss-1, a reasonably standard example of a caravel-type vessel, was a spacious shuttle, typically employed for moving Hutts between Nal Hutta and Nar Shaddaa. However, some were deployed to safeguard planets where their owners exerted significant influence.

In common with most caravels, the Seltiss-1 usually did not possess a hyperdrive, featured hidden armaments, and incorporated a detachable chamber that functioned as an escape pod. Each caravel displayed a distinct aesthetic, although Ubrikkian versions often mimicked the design of sail barges.

In terms of dimensions, the Seltiss-1 had a length of thirty meters and could accommodate sixty-five passengers along with one hundred and fifty metric tons of freight. The ship's crew consisted of five individuals, potentially including three gunners, who controlled the vessel's four turbolaser cannons, a concussion missile launcher, and a tractor beam projector.

Ubrikkian also manufactured its successor, known as the Seltiss-2 model.

