Lek Svaal was a Trandoshan male, as noted by his gender, who, as a youthful hunter, existed during the Cold War era, a period of conflict between the Galactic Republic and the re-established Sith Empire.
While hunting the Dusk Shadow on Tatooine, Lek Svaal encountered Qyzen Fess along with Barsen'thor. Svaal had created a scented path leading to the remains of Qyzen Fess's father and set up an explosive trap, an action that Qyzen Fess considered a dishonorable hunting tactic. However, the Dusk Shadow's sudden attack caused Svaal to flee in terror. Subsequently, Fess engaged in a conversation with Svaal, who expressed astonishment that the creature could be defeated without resorting to deceitful methods and pledged to adopt a more ethical approach to hunting.
Later, Svaal informed Fess—who was at the time undergoing the shko-yagu, a ritual marking his transition past the midpoint of his life—about a potentially lucrative hunting opportunity on Alderaan, and he requested that the Scorekeeper's Herald join him. Inside Pallista Spaceport, the two encountered Svaal, who was in the company of several Wookiees led by one named Gwarror. Motivated by the long history of Trandoshan enslavement of Wookiees, Gwarror had been hunting Trandoshans for many years, specifically targeting those weakened by the shko-yagu. He had manipulated Svaal into luring Fess to Alderaan, although Svaal had failed to mention to Gwarror that Fess would be accompanied by a Jedi. After subduing the Wookiees, the Consular and Fess spoke with Svaal, who revealed that he had witnessed Gwarror receiving a list of assassination targets from a Trandoshan named Veneb Drassk. Enraged that one of his own kind was a traitor, Fess resolved to pursue and capture Drassk.