Gwarror, a Wookiee of the male persuasion, sought retribution against the Trandoshans during the Cold War era, due to their habit of hunting Wookiees. He targeted Trandoshans weakened by the shko-yagu ritual, killing them, and received intelligence from the Trandoshan Veneb Drassk about his competitors, so he could get rid of them. On Tatooine, Gwarror attempted to eliminate the Trandoshan Qyzen Fess, employing the younger Trandoshan Lek Svaal as a lure. However, Fess, who traveled with the Jedi Master called the Barsen'thor, had undergone shko-yagu using Jedi medical techniques instead of the toxic nakkis leaf, making him robust and vigorous; Gwarror ultimately died fighting them both.