Ladarra, situated in the Gordian Reach along the Pinooran Spur, was a desert world. The Human colony known as New Hope Settlement was located there. During the era of the Old Republic, it was settled, but it ultimately failed as a chromium mining operation. As the Galactic Empire rose to power, the population of the planet dwindled. Only impoverished agricultural workers, reclusive individuals, those fleeing the law, and rust-colored dust formations remained in the arid landscape.
The single noteworthy event that occurred on the planet involved Boba Fett arriving to resolve a personal matter at The Ellstree Bar, with the individual known as the Storyteller. The Storyteller, an aged target who had sought refuge there under a false name to entertain children, was attempting to evade Fett. On the day of Fett's arrival, the Storyteller recounted his past encounters with Fett to the children.