Kolatill Defense Force

The paramount military unit on the planet of Kolatill located within the Kathol sector of the Outer Rim Territories was known as the Kolatill Defense Force. This organization came into being in 8 ABY when the planetary inhabitants successfully ousted the resident Imperial governor, Tetrum, and proclaimed their loyalty to the New Republic. This declaration followed the successful liberation of the sector's capital, Kal'Shebbol, from the military units commanded by warlord Moff Kentor Sarne. The Defense Force, composed of six TIE/LN starfighters, was tasked with safeguarding Kolatill.

A few days after its establishment, the Defense Force collaborated with the New Republic CR90 corvette FarStar and its accompanying starfighter squadron to mount a defense against an assault on the planet led by the Ton-Falk-class escort carrier Kathol Protector. The FarStar was engaged in providing aid after a previous attack on the planet's primary city, Domaz, which was executed by the Kathol Protector. During the ensuing conflict, the combined forces of Kolatill and the New Republic successfully neutralized the attacking squadron of TIE/sa bombers, which were poised to deploy pathogenic bombs upon the planet's urban centers.


Back in 8 ABY, the New Republic achieved the liberation of Kal'Shebbol, which served as the capital within the Kathol sector of the Outer Rim Territories. This victory compelled Moff Kentor Sarne to relinquish the majority of his warlord territories and retreat into the uncharted regions of the sector. In response, the neighboring planet of Kolatill expelled its Imperial governor, named Tetrum. They then declared their allegiance to the New Republic and restored authority over the planet to its local governing body, the Kolatill Council. Upon assuming control, the Council established the Kolatill Defense Force to bolster the planet's security, despite the fact that this small unit was only equipped with half a dozen TIE starfighters.

As retribution for the planet's act of defiance, Moff Sarne dispatched the Ton-Falk-class escort carrier Kathol Protector to launch an assault on Kolatill. TIE bombers deployed from the capital ship inflicted extensive damage upon the primary city of Domaz. Following the attack, the Kolatill Council transmitted a distress signal, which was answered by the New Republic CR90 corvette FarStar. As the vessel entered orbit around Kolatill four days later, the starfighters of the Kolatill Defense Force intercepted them, demanding identification. Once it was confirmed that the vessel represented the New Republic, the fighters escorted relief shuttles as they descended to the planet's surface to deliver aid to Domaz.

Shortly after the arrival of the FarStar, the Kathol Protector returned to execute a second attack on Kolatill. This time, the Imperial forces intended to deploy pathogenic bombs, targeting numerous cities on the planet's surface to maximize casualties and destruction. While the FarStar and a portion of its starfighter squadron engaged TIE starfighters in space, the Kolatill Defense Force, along with a small group of fighters from the corvette that were present on the surface at the time of the attack, defended against waves of TIE bombers. The combined forces of Kolatill and the New Republic successfully destroyed the attacking Imperial force, preventing them from deploying their deadly payload.


The Kolatill Defense Force was comprised of six standard TIE starfighters and their respective pilots.

Behind the scenes

The Kolatill Defense Force first appeared in the RPG adventure titled Omens, which was released as part of The DarkStryder Campaign by West End Games in the year 1995.

