Kingdom of Dreams

The Kingdom of Dreams represented a starship with the distinct ability to traverse dimensions. Cody Sunn-Childe sought refuge, along with his adherents, within an alternate dimensional space aboard the Kingdom. This starship maintained a presence in realspace as well, yet Sunn-Childe asserted that his entire City of Dreams was constructed from "psychic energy" rather than conventional matter.


Fantastic beasts in the jungle, actually psychic projections of Cody Sunn-Childe

The Kingdom of Dreams was characterized by a level, island-like upper structure, topped by the dome-enclosed City of Dreams, all encircled by a vibrant jungle. Its dimensional travel capabilities enabled Sunn-Childe and his followers to evade the destructive effects of the Galactic Civil War. In 3 ABY, it met its end at the hands of Captain Plikk and Lieutenant Nizzon's squadron of Imperial Star Destroyers through the use of hyperdrive pod energy directed through laser weaponry. This resulted in the demise of all those on board, including Sunn-Childe.

