Jyrenne Base

Jyrenne Base, found near Iziz on Onderon, functioned as the primary Imperial Army-Navy Ordnance Center within that sector.


Admiral Corlen was in command of Jyrenne Base in 0 ABY. A garrison of stormtroopers was stationed at the base. Moff Lasre Dardano, the regional governor, created Whisper Base to spy on the admiral, using the activities of Jyrenne Base as cover for its operations.

In 2 ABY, Shandor Squadron launched an attack on Jyrenne Base on behalf of the Rebellion, resulting in near-total destruction. This attack severely impacted Imperial supply routes in the Airon sector.

Behind the scenes

The Star Wars Adventure Journal was the first place Jyrenne Base was mentioned. The base was also a part of the Fantasy Flight Games adventure, Operation: Shadowpoint. It provides a setting for various player-driven scenarios.

