Lasre Dardano

Lasre Dardano was an Imperial Moff who, in the year 0 BBY, spearheaded an offensive against Onderon. Admiral Corlen was his political adversary.


Admiral Corlen and Lasre Dardano were political rivals. The secret Imperial listening post, Whisper Base, situated on Onderon, was constructed under Dardano's direction. Dardano considered the base's construction essential for internal security, as he feared a coup from Corlen, the leading military figure within his operational area. Dardano's plan was to utilize the facility's Signal Intelligence (SigInt) array to monitor Corlen and his associates. The existence of the base remained unknown to others in the Galactic Empire.

Dardano was responsible for the construction of Whisper Base

Dardano considered Jyrenne Base—a more substantial Imperial installation in the vicinity managed by Corlen—to be both a valuable source of intelligence on Corlen and an asset due to its constant activity, which helped conceal Whisper Base's presence. Verala Mishar acted as Dardano's agent, routinely visiting Whisper Base to resupply it, while other agents transmitted reports from the base's SigInt array to Dardano. Dardano had at least one informant within Admiral Corlen's command. The Moff maintained a shuttle at the base, although it was not officially registered locally.

Dardano came to believe that Corlen was concealing a significant secret, based on data obtained from Whisper Base's SigInt array. Shortly afterward, Rebel operatives infiltrated and compromised Whisper Base. Determined to keep both the installation's existence and its capture a secret, Dardano began preparations for a counterattack. Dardano, fearing spies from Admiral Corlen, sought to personally recapture the base. To that end, the Moff enlisted the services of experienced mercenaries known for their discretion to reinforce his forces.

Dardano deployed a shuttle of scouts to the jungle

Dardano dispatched a group of trusted scouts, carefully selected for their loyalty, to assess the base's defenses and ultimately inform the size of the force he would later deploy. A clearing in the jungle served as their extraction point, allowing a Lambda-class shuttle to both arrive and depart with the necessary personnel. Dardano's inability to secure a shuttle for the duration of the scouts' mission created a limited window for their extraction.

Corlen eventually discovered the existence of Whisper Base, its capture, and Dardano's planned counterattack, and he alerted the Rebels who had seized the base to Dardano's intentions.

Personality and traits

Dardano maintained a number of handpicked scouts

Lasre Dardano harbored a persistent rivalry with Admiral Corlen, fearing the possibility of a coup instigated by the latter. Consequently, Dardano ordered the construction of Whisper Base as a security measure, utilizing the listening post to surveil Corlen and his agents.

Dardano possessed traits of cleverness, cunning, and arrogance. The latter trait caused the Moff to underestimate the Rebel operatives who seized Whisper Base. This overconfidence also led him to believe that the Armored Fist was virtually impervious to infantry weaponry, prompting him to order its armament to be retrofitted with anti-air capabilities. Dardano also exclusively relied upon trusted individuals, maintaining handpicked scouts and bodyguards, as well as hiring mercenaries known for their discretion. Similarly, he kept the existence of Whisper Base a secret, only sharing it on a need-to-know basis among his fellow Imperials, and fighting to maintain its secrecy even after its capture by launching a counterattack.


Dardano brought a TIE bomber with a modified proton bomb to Whisper Base.

Moff Dardano was equipped with a disruptor pistol and a vibroknife. He kept an unregistered shuttle stationed at Whisper Base. Dardano did not foresee the need for interrogation equipment at Whisper Base.

Dardano was the owner of the Armored Fist, a retired All-Terrain Armored Transport that had sustained minor damage. He also brought a modified TIE/sa bomber for his assault on Whisper Base as a way to destroy the outpost should his forces fail to recapture it.

