Jesson Di Blinth

title: Jesson Di Blinth

Jesson Di Blinth, originating from the Di Blinths volcano on the planet Ord Cestus, was a member of the X'Ting species. During his lifetime as a male individual, he embarked on a quest alongside Obi-Wan Kenobi to secure two Royal X'Ting eggs in 21 BBY.


The Hive Council chose Jesson to serve as Obi-Wan Kenobi's guide through the dangerous X'Ting underground, with the goal of locating and recovering two royal X'Ting eggs. This mission held particular significance due to the removal of corrupt Council member Caiza Quill from the Council. The remaining members feared Quill would reveal the eggs' location and exploit them for nefarious purposes.

Initially, Jesson displayed only disdain for Kenobi, doubting the story of a Jedi assisting Cestus and dismissing the Jedi as unremarkable. He also considered the mission futile, as several of his broodmates had previously attempted to rescue the eggs but never returned.

As their journey commenced, Jesson confessed his lack of regard for both the Hive Council and Regent G'Mai Duris, asserting his sole loyalty to the royals. They traversed a chamber populated by Zeetsa, before continuing onward.

Upon reaching the ancient Hall of Heroes, they were ambushed by ferocious, cannibalistic X'Ting. These X'Ting were descendants of those who had sought refuge underground to safeguard the eggs when Cestus Cybernetics assumed control. After Jesson and Kenobi repelled the attack and escaped the room, they discovered a vast, dirt-filled cavern. The absence of cannibals was soon explained.

A species of Cestian worm had been introduced into the chamber to enrich the soil, but the worms had evolved into predators, driving away the X'Ting. Following a brief but intense confrontation, Jesson and Kenobi were forced onto a ledge, where they discovered the corpse of one of Jesson's broodmates. Jesson sustained injuries, prompting Obi-Wan to assist him in swinging across to a ledge leading to the egg chamber. After an initial failed attempt, they successfully reached the ledge.

Now, Jesson faced the responsibility of retrieving the eggs, fully aware that three failures would result in the termination of himself, the eggs, or both. He positioned himself in a chair by a computer console and commenced the process.

The first question appeared deceptively simple, immediately arousing Jesson's suspicion. He entered what he believed to be the obvious answer, only to be rejected. The second question was equally straightforward, but once again, Jesson's knowledge of X'Ting history proved inadequate.

After failing the second question, Jesson became frantic, terrified, and began running around the room, screaming. He was incredulous at having failed two attempts and desperately wanted to avoid a third. The computer commanded him to return to the seat, or the eggs would be destroyed. Obi-Wan took his place in the seat, but the interface only responded to the organism that had initiated the process.

Kenobi seized Jesson, and calmed him. Jesson was extremely unwilling to possibly doom the last hope for Cestus, but Obi-Wan convinced him to try nonetheless. He sat in the seat, and the countdown to destruction stopped. The computer told him the question, but he faltered. It was so obvious to him that the answer was "The Spider People", but his knowledge had failed him before, so he didn't know what to do. Obi-Wan told that that frequently, the simplest answers are the correct ones. His confidence upped, for the moment, he inputted the last answer.

Incorrect. Jesson had now condemned the eggs, his people, and likely himself and Kenobi, whom he had come to recognize as truly skilled. The computer displayed a hologram of the eggs being vaporized, and Jesson resumed his wailing and sobbing. Obi-Wan plunged his lightsaber into the floor, but to no avail. The eggs had been destroyed. Crying "Kill me, KILL ME!", Jesson released pheromones of shame, failure, and ultimate despair. A gas rose up from the floor, and both him and Obi-Wan believed themselves to be finished.

The gas mixed with Jesson's pheromones, and then revealed that the eggs had not been destroyed. It had all been a test, to see whether or not the motives of the sentient attempting to retrieve the eggs were for the good of the hive. Overwhelmed with relief, they retrieved the eggs (frozen in a carbonite slab), and returned to the antechamber. They heard a sound, which warded off the worms. Jesson thanked Kenobi, and expressed an interest in finding out who the Jedi that had aided Cestus was. As they returned to the Hall of Heroes, he got his wish. The largest statue in the room, and the one they had carved through to enter in the first place, was of Jedi Master Yoda.

