The Instigator functioned as an RX4 Patrol Ship within the ranks of the New Republic fleet.
A team of New Republic operatives utilized this vessel on a mission to retrieve an artifact from Mahk'khar, a crime lord situated on Tuulab. Following its return to the Nova, the Instigator provided transport for the same team to Delari Prime. Their objective was to consult with Oron and gather further intelligence regarding the artifact. As they departed the planet, a squadron of four TIE interceptors launched an ambush against the ship, which it successfully evaded. Upon rejoining the fleet, the team piloted the Instigator to Jaresh. Subsequently, the team journeyed to Galaan with the Instigator and employed it in the defense of a New Republic installation.
Under the alias Surge, the ship was employed by a New Republic team to probe issues within the Betha system.