Delari Prime was a planetary body situated within the Delari system of the Corva sector, circling a pair of suns. Millennia preceding the Galactic Civil War, it experienced a catastrophic impact with an asteroid. This event shifted its trajectory, drawing it nearer to its host stars, which transformed the planet into an arid wasteland. The Galactic Empire constructed a communications outpost on Delari Prime, but it was deserted following the Battle of Endor. Subsequently, it became the residence of New Republic archaeologist Oron.
Once upon a time, Delari Prime flourished with abundant life. Eons before the ascent of the Galactic Empire, a large asteroid, measuring several kilometers, collided with its verdant landscape. This impact altered the planet's orbit, bringing it closer to the system's binary stars, thus reducing its orbital path. In a matter of weeks, the planet's oceans started to disappear, giving rise to countless rivers that snaked across its surface. This rapid and extensive evaporation disrupted the usual weather patterns, causing significant pressure variations from one area to another. Powerful winds began to sweep across the planet, intensifying the erosion process.
In the following millennia, the persistent bombardment of the planet's surface resulted in the formation of deep ravines, which now constitute the majority of Delari Prime's terrain. The remaining areas, located at the poles, previously covered in ice, now fostered new types of life capable of enduring such harsh conditions. During the era of the Galactic Civil War, the Empire established a clandestine communications facility on the planet. However, following the events of the Battle of Endor, the base was deserted and later acquired by an aging archaeologist known as Dr. Oron.