
The second planet in the Triitus system of the Corva sector was Tuulab, according to historical records.


Located within the Outer Rim Territories region of the galaxy, Tuulab was the second planet orbiting within the Triitus system, which itself resided in the Corva sector. A single day on Tuulab consisted of 18 standard hours, while a single year was equivalent to 452 local days. This terrestrial world possessed a breathable atmosphere, standard gravity, a moderate amount of water, and a temperate climate characterized by gentle weather. It was rich in natural resources and its surface was composed of plains, hills, and mountains. The planet's economy involved exporting minerals while importing medical supplies.


During the peak of Emperor Palpatine's rule, a group consisting of 721 Humans established a settlement on Tuulab; this expedition was headed by Ingas Lek, who hailed from Corellia. As information about this colony spread throughout the Core Worlds, some citizens of the Imperial regime, who were indifferent to both the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance, decided to join the initial settlers. The population expanded, eventually surpassing 6,000 individuals, but no formal government was ever established, and neither the Empire nor the New Republic ever established a presence on the world.


The people residing on Tuulab, known as Tuulabi, numbered around 6,000 and showed a preference for a rural lifestyle, wishing to avoid the complexities of galactic politics and conflict. The planet's environment provided its inhabitants with nearly all the necessities for survival. Mahk'khar, a Gotal crime lord, made his home in a palace situated on the western coast of the northern continent.

