
Inad was a Nebulon-B EF76 escort frigate serving within the Rebel Alliance Fleet during the Galactic Civil War.

Following the uncovering of the Death Star project, and with the goal of gathering further intelligence, Alliance Special Forces successfully sabotaged and rendered inoperable a Delta-class DX-9 stormtrooper transport. This transport was carrying Imperial officers assigned to the Death Star as it made its way through the Corellian system.

To capture the incapacitated transport, the Alliance dispatched the Inad, accompanied by the Lambda-class T-4a shuttle named Hunter. Protecting this operation were three X-wings from Blue Squadron and three Y-wings from Red Squadron, piloted by Keyan Farlander, Namrhe and Omin-Oreh.

Shortly after the mission's commencement, a number of Assault Gunboats appeared. The Rebel fighters engaged them, resulting in the loss of all three X-wings. The Hunter successfully boarded the transport and took the officers into custody. However, while both vessels were en route back to the Inad, the Immortal, an Imperial-class Star Destroyer, arrived and initiated the launch of fighters. An Imperial transport also emerged from hyperspace in an attempt to reclaim the fleeing transport. Farlander eliminated the attacking transport, along with two subsequent arrivals. Sadly, both of his wingmen were shot down while endeavoring to defend him from the Imperial fighters.

Once both ships were safely aboard the Inad, the Rebels executed a withdrawal into hyperspace.

